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报导中国(美国记者关于中国):矛盾的中国 (Assignment: China- Contradictions 中文字幕版)

May 3, 2018 English  | 中文 报导中国(美国记者关于中国) 主页 本集《解析中国之旅》探讨了2008年北京奥运会之后中国故事的内核。外国记者与越来越强硬的中国政府发生冲突,政府认为塑造中国国际形象的应该是自己,而不是外国记者。 2008年北京奥运会之后,中国国内的政治气候及其外部行为开始发生变化。 2008年到2009年撼动西方的金融危机让中国领导人相信,美国已经开始衰落,是时候向整个世界展现更为强硬的中国。 与此同时,因申办北京奥运而承诺的自由话语环境让位于加紧管制。部分原因包括新 ...

报导中国(美国记者关于中国):跟随金钱的走向 (Assignment: China- Follow The Money 中文字幕版)

May 3, 2018 English  | 中文 报导中国(美国记者关于中国) 主页 《解析中国之旅》的最后一集《跟随金钱的走向》聚焦2012年新闻记者对中国新一代富豪进行突破性调查的幕后故事,以及这些调查背后意想不到并充满争议的可怕后果。 西方新闻报道中国已经数十年,而2012年是一个分水岭。在短短几个月的时间里,由记者迈克尔·福赛斯(Michael Forsythe)组织的彭博社新闻团队全面揭露了中国的最新领导人习近平的亲戚如何在各种变相商业交易中获得巨额财富。不久之后,《纽约时报》的David B ...

USC and China in the News

USC faculty, staff, students, and alumni from many disciplines are engaged in China and work on China. This work is frequently reported on and USC specialists are frequently consulted by news organizations. The links below provide summaries of these press ...

Study underway of the effectiveness of a Chinese herb in treating Alzheimer’s

woodland regions of China, has long been used by traditional healers ... Huperzine A has become the most commonly prescribed medication in China ... be found on the USC Geriatric Studies Center Alzheimer’s Disease Research ...

Shoah Foundation film to be shown at film festival

family,” said Karen Jungblut, director of research and documentation ... filming Xia and her grandchildren walking through the places in China she ... the film in China and distribute it through a theatrical release to spread ...

USC APIFSA Allyship Resource Guide

verbal harassment, civil rights violations, refusal of service from ... economically privileged people can be allies to those less fortunate-- and so on. ... and economic opportunities, and perpetuates a cycle of oppression. Allyship ...

Julie Albright: Online Love

April 10, 2015 Julie Albright teaches at USC about marriage and the family, social psychology and other topics. Her research focuses on the intersection between society and technology. She’s written on online love ...

Chen Binbin 陈斌斌: Dating and Marriage among Shanghai's '80s Generation

April 10, 2015 Chen Binbin 陈斌斌 teaches psychology at Fudan University. His research explores topics including parenting behaviors, parent-child attachment, romantic attachment, peer relationships, social skills, ...

Acting on a Chance Encounter

and is now studying for his second master’s in finance and economics ... The trip to China fostered the relationship with Dennis that continues ...

Spring 2014 NO-COST USCI/NCTA "Teaching about East Asia" Seminar in the San Gabriel Valley [Application Deadline: February 21, 2014]

January 9, 2014 The USC U.S. – China Institute (USCI) and the National Consortium for Teaching About Asia (NCTA) are offering a NO-COST ... Post-war East Asia, including economic advance, political battles, ...
