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Beyond "How" and "What" is "Where," and Disney's Bob Iger is looking to China

of the equation. And right now, China is where it’s at. “It’s not just large, ... “Fortune 500 companies today are looking to China for growth. It’s a very ...

China Related Courses at USC- Spring 2018

The Political Economy of China Erin Baggott, 4 units TTh 3:30-4:50 IR 384- Asian ... Baggott, 4 units Th 2-4:50 East Asian Studies (EASC) EASC 160mgp- China ...

Funds Raised for Quake Relief in China

Olympics. The film tells the story of Liu Changchun, China’s first Olympic ...

To Count Grains of Sand on the Ocean Floor: The Availability and Perceptions of Books in Song Dynasty China

of the transformation from manuscript to print culture occurred in China during the Song ...

Allied Forces Invade China to Relieve Foreign Legations During Boxer Rebellion: Allied Proclamation to the Inhabitants of Tianjin (Tientsin), 1900

December 13, 1901   Allied Forces Invade China to Relieve Foreign Legations During Boxer Rebellion: Allied Proclamation to the Inhabitants of Tianjin (Tientsin)   To the Inhabitants of the City of Tientsin:     ...

Living the Life- A Day at the “Venice of China”

A tourism site I found on Google deemed the town the “Venice of China ...

Bobby Cochran wins Luce Fellowship to travel to China

said Cochran, who will leave in mid-August for southwest China, where he ...

Chinese Language Program at East China Normal University

Division East China Normal University Shanghai 200062 Phone: 86-21-62232013 ...

USC and China in the News, July and August 2014

MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Click here for other "USC and China in the News" pages.  ... at the University of Southern California's U.S.-China Institute, discusses the relevance of the Assignment: China documentary series. July 2, 2014: CNN ...

USC Thornton Orchestra Visits China

Nixon’s establishment of U.S. – China diplomatic relations and the cultural exchange between the YMF and the people of China. Among the events was a New ... violinist who was born in China, was violin soloist. The Debut Orchestra ...
