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PRC Foreign Ministry, Reality Check- Falsehoods in U.S. Perceptions of China, June 19, 2022

Society outlining the US administration’s approach to China. With carefully calibrated language, he sought to promote the “China threat” narrative, interfere in China’s internal affairs, and smear China’s domestic and foreign ...

U.S.- China Economic and Security Review Commission, "2002 Annual Report to Congress," July 15, 2002

economic, trade, and financial linkages with China. The Congress wanted the Commission to evaluate whether our economic policies with China harm or help ... the United States and China Acknowledgements Letter to Congressional Leadership ...

Congressional Research Service, "China's Currency: A Summary of the Economic Issues," July 11, 2007

by the Congressional Research Service. Section:  Documents Documents- Contemporary China ... Threats of possible congressional action led China to make changes to its ... that China’s policy of accumulating foreign reserves (especially U.S. dollars) ...

Update- U.S. Dept. of Justice on Its China Initiative

and Manufacturing Policy issued a report on “How China’s Economic Aggression Threatens ... man and rheumatology professor and researcher with strong ties to China ... professor, researcher and resident of China has been indicted for fraudulently ...

Congressional Research Service, "China's Economic Conditions," March 11, 2008

by the Congressional Research Service.   Attachments:  China's Economic Conditions ... since 1994). While China is expected to continue to enjoy rapid economic ... concerns. This report provides an overview of China’s economic development, ...

Congressional Research Service, "China's Economic Conditions," August 7, 2008

reports released by the Congressional Research Service. Attachments:  ... since 1994). While China is expected to continue to enjoy rapid economic ... benefitted from China’s rapid economic and trade growth. On the other hand, ...

Congressional Research Service, "China's Economic Conditions," September 16, 2008

reports released by the Congressional Research Service. Attachments:  ... benefitted from China’s rapid economic and trade growth. On the other hand, ... of China’s economic development, challenges China faces to maintain growth, ...

Congressional Research Service, "China's Economic Conditions," May 26, 2005

by the Congressional Research Service. Attachments:  China's Economic Conditions ... On the one hand, China’s economic growth presents huge opportunities for U.S. ... | March 2008 | 2007 | 2005 Summary Since the initiation of economic reforms ...

Congressional Research Service, "China's Economic Conditions," March 3, 2009

reports released by the Congressional Research Service. Attachments:  ... sharply during this period. China’s economy and its economic policies ... exporters, and investors have greatly benefitted from China’s rapid economic ...

Congressional Research Service, "China's Economic Conditions," June 26, 2012

for a listing of reports released by the Congressional Research Service ... In recent years, China has emerged as a major global economic and trade power. ... economic growth. From 2008 to 2011, China’s real GDP growth averaged 9.6%. ...
