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Mr. Ma's Taiwanese Identity

March 31, 2008 The Far Eastern Economic Review 's March issue ... election. Lynch, a member of the USC U.S.-China Institute's executive ... Lynch anticipates that China's government, which sees Taiwan ...

Liu Xiaobo 刘晓波 named 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Recipient, October 8, 2010

China has achieved economic advances to which history can hardly show any ... struggle for fundamental human rights in China. The Norwegian Nobel Committee ... for political participation has also broadened. China's new status must ...

Statement of Jon M. Huntsman, Jr. to Senate Foreign Relations Committee, July 23, 2009

China’s regional influence – politically, economically and diplomatically ... economic and political influence grows, China can and should play ... to the People’s Republic of China Submitted to the Senate Foreign Relations ...

Teaching About Asia: April 2011

focused on political and economic development. His China ... and Economic Development: Lessons For and From China. Contact: USC U.S.- China ... included in this newsletter is "The Rise of China and the East Asian ...

Chinese American Film Festival 2012- Robert Rosen

selected five films that provided popular in China. At USC five AICCC ... Featured Image:  Section:  Multimedia News Topic:  Culture Economics Tags:  ...

Van Dyke, "Port Canton and the Pearl River Delta, 1690--1845," 2002

August 24, 2009 Paul Arthur Van Dyke, Ph.D. Abstract (Summary) The enormous growth of the China trade from 1700 to 1842 is a phenomenon that has ... Section:  Research by faculty Faculty Topic:  Economics Tags:  trade ...

USC and China in the News, May and June 2014

China-related news stories featuring University of Southern California faculty, students, staff, and programs. ...

COVID-19 is changing the environment

China's  CO2 emissions are down 25%  and satellite images show  drops in pollution worldwide. Although China and the U.S. are both planning economic stimulus packages to combat the financial harm of the pandemic, China’s plan ...

Qingyun Ma named Dean of the USC School of Architecture

fitting for USC to name a native of China to this important deanship." ... in Northwest China. "Los Angeles is at the crossroads of a global ... collaborated on the Central China TV headquarters in Beijing and the Stock ...

USC and China in the News, May and June 2013

June 21, 2013 Click here for other "USC and China ... of intellectual property lawyers in China. June 16, 2013: China Daily An article ... Philadelphia Examiner An article on golf's popularity in China cited ...
