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Video: North Korea: Following the Chinese Road?

with Chinese-style economic reform? In the hope of reviving a shattered economy, ... be listening. U.S.-China Institute Senior Fellow Mike Chinoy has just completed ... the author of China Live: People Power and the Television Revolution ...

Chinese language study is rising fast

the great rise in Chinese enrollments to China’s rising economic strength ... with interest in Japan’s economic growth and its culture. In 1960, Chinese ... With Japan’s 1980s economic bubble, however, enrollment in Japanese raced ahead. ...

Daniel R. Russel, Evaluating U.S. Policy on Taiwan on the Anniversary of the 35th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act, April 3, 2014

economic partnership, and enduring security cooperation. Taiwan’s status ... – as it confidently engages the People’s Republic of China. The United States has ... and modern society with a great deal to contribute. Economic and Cultural Ties ...

Teaching About Asia- December 2007

at the recent US-China Strategic Economic Dialogue talks in China.  New reviews ... experience in China and Japan over the summer.  Apply for the NCTA California Summer Study Tour to China and Japan by downloading the application from ...

Congressional Research Service, PRC Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities-- Background and Issues for Congress, March 21, 2013

exclusive economic zone (EEZ); protecting China’s sea lines of communications; ... to China’s military modernization effort, including its naval modernization ... because of significant U.S.-Chinese economic linkages and the tremendous ...

U.S. Department of State, "2013 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report," March 2013

offshore financial center. However, China has multiple Special Economic Zones ... Introduction China is a significant destination and transit country for drugs ... in southeast China control most large-scale drug and precursor chemical criminal ...

Mapping the Future of Entertainment

staff of the White House National Security Council and on Capitol Hill. He ... Space Talents’.   In China, Wilson was a plenary speaker at the second Boao Forum, and has testified on China-US relations before committees ...

Cai Mingzhao, Safeguarding the security of online information, Dec. 10, 2009

that e-commerce is facilitating the transformation of China's economic ... and an important engine driving economic development. In today's China, more ... that we hold the Third US-China Internet Industry Forum in San Francisco. ...

United States Policy in East Asia and The Pacific Challenges And Priorities, 2001

relationship with China is firmly grounded in pursuit of tangible U.S. national interests. We understand, and we believe China also understands, that our ... States seeks a constructive relationship with China that contributes ...

USC and China in the News, March and April 2013

April 26, 2013 Click here for other "USC and China in the News" pages.      April 26, 2013: China Daily   USC political science ... China happy. "There's no question that China is very sensitive ...
