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Tiananmen Square Document 1: Cable, A Student Demonstration of Sorts in Tiananmen Square, 1985

November 21, 1985 In China, a state with significant curbs on free ... nationalistic in tone, the flyer decried the Japanese "economic invasion" of China and also those Chinese "princes" (a clear ...

U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, “Testimony on ‘The Crisis in Tibet: Finding a Path to Peace," April 23, 2008

by and for its people in all spheres, not just economic. The way China treats Tibet ... Tibetan areas of China. The United States welcomes a stable, peaceful and prosperous China, and we have a broad agenda with that country, which ...

Congressional Research Service, “Rare Earth Elements in National Defense: Background, Oversight Issues, and Options for Congress,” March 31, 2011

for the United States,” April 30, 2012  US-China Economic and Security Review ... in the earth’s crust and economic extraction and processing is both difficult ... of the world’s supply of rare earths has shifted almost entirely to China, in part ...

Communication-- Undergraduate Overseas Studies in Hong Kong (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Chemistry, Economics, Geography, International Relations, Public Administration ... Section:  China programs Topic:  Politics Tags:  Hong Kong and Macau ...

Michael Pompeo, On Taiwan’s Election, January 11, 2020

by our shared political, economic, and international values. We cherish our ... path for their people. Section:  Documents- US-China Documents- ...

Talking Points, November 12- 26, 2008

economy. Chinese officials responded that China’s government can best aid economic recovery by fostering continued growth in China. And on Sunday, ... argued that China should draw on its $1.9 trillion in foreign reserves ...

Communication-- Study Abroad: Undergraduate, Hong Kong

in this politically, economically, and culturally unique city. The program offers courses ... Biology, Anthropology, Chemistry, Economics, Geography, International ... programs, such as the Teaching in China Program in nearby Guangdong province, ...

America’s Soft Power is Still Supreme in Asia

Economic Human Capital Cultural Diplomatic Political China ... Vietnam.   China’s economic rise is evident in the fact that, on average, Americans, Chinese, and Japanese felt that China had more economic influence ...

The Chinese People Have Stood Up! 1949

and people's organizations of China, the People's Liberation Army, ... the rule of imperialism in China and restored the Political Consultative ... of the People's Republic of China and the Common Programme of the Chinese ...

National People's Congress, 1999 Amendments to the PRC Constitution, March 15, 1999

March 15, 1999 Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 1975   |  Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 1978  |  Constitution of the People’s Republic of China  1982  (amended through 2004) |  1988 Amendments ...
