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2013-2014 USCI Events

on China's ascent from imperial doormat to global economic powerhouse. Through ... sponsored several private workshops (e.g., U.S.-China Bi-National Commission ... documentaries across the U.S. and China. USCI speakers presented research ...

Foreign Correspondents Club of China, Annual Reporting Conditions Survey, May 2014

May 1, 2014 Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China Annual Reporting ... efforts to report on significant and sensitive political, economic and cultural developments in China. Regrettably, China’s government continues ...

The Dragons of Troy

for missionaries-in-training – many of them bound for China. Indeed the founder of USC’s theology ... in China, the daughters of a missionary. After graduating in 1892, Abbie ... the installation of radio broadcasting equipment in China. Most distinguished, ...

U.S. Department of State, "2011 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report," March 2011

and current economic conditions. China continues to face problems of domestic ... China has multiple Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and other designated ... Introduction The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is a significant drug transit ...

The Game of Go: Ancient Applications and Contemporary Connotations 围棋游戏:古代应用及当代内涵

June 7, 2016 Originally published by US-China Today. Written ... of Asheville couldn’t seem farther removed from China. Yet in 2006, the American ... in existence, originating in China more than 2,500 years ago. Today, Go has spread ...

The Rise of Homeowners’ Associations and Changing Neighborhood Governance in Urban China

Introduction Housing reform is one important part of China’s economic reform towards a market economy.  Housing in China was once regarded as public ... neighborhood and urban governance in China. Traditionally, Street Office which ...

2008 Beijing Organizing Committee Visits USC

representatives of the Beijing, China, organizing committee for the 2008 Olympic ... and construction. Section:  Faculty News Topic:  Economics Custom Thumbnail:  ...

Chinese American Film Festival 2012- Sherwood Hu

selected five films that provided popular in China. At USC five AICCC ... Section:  Multimedia News Topic:  Culture Economics Tags:  Film/TV/radio ...

Video: Xiao Lin on Shanghai Free Trade Zone

internationalization of the yuan, and advancing China's global competitiveness. Xiao ... Featured Image:  Section:  News Faculty Topic:  Economics Custom Thumbnail:  ...

GEMBA Represents a Model in Chinese-American Collaboration

of Economics & Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University- the institution ... there was a parallel between GEMBA and collaborative efforts between China and the United States. Lv said that while the two leaders of the world’s economic ...
