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May You Stay Forever Young

forever? In medieval China, circa third century B.C., people believed ... Medieval China (University of Hawai’i Press, 2009) was published in February. ... in meditation traveled to the otherworld, submitted all necessary paper work ...

Shin, "Yellow Hollywood: Asian martial arts in U.S. global cinema," 2008

and White Man's Burden, and naturalize the white hero's superiority ...

Creating Networks and Research Collaborations in China

is to summarize activities that were funded by the USC U.S.—China Institute and were ... The focus in each location was on religious expression in China, both ... a brief visit to the south-eastern region of China (interviewing ...

Talking Points, October 15- 29, 2008

personnel. Given China’s staggering 30 years of 9-10% annual economic growth, ... at China's current economic and political environment and its opportunities ... as the representative of the U.S. Government in China.   10/20/2008: U.S.-China Economic ...

Talking Points: January 7- 21, 2009

international economic and security order sustained by American leadership. For 60 ... among the region's major powers.” Negroponte also highlighted China’s rise: “China's rise stands out as an especially remarkable ...

Building a Bridge to a Sustainable Future

footbridge in Changsha, Hunan Province, China. A USC engineer who has created ... of Engineering, spent the last year in China’s Hunan province, creating new ways ... in China and other locales for millennia, but it has not penetrated ...

USC and China in the News, November and December 2012

Dube's views on challenges facing China in economics, security, and foreign ... as its main security ally and China as its main economic partner. ... December 28, 2012 Click here for other "USC and China ...

Undergraduate Seminar: Communication and Social Change in China

to assess China’s dynamic political-economic circumstances, socio-cultural ... of particular media and communication conditions in China, this course also ... therefore, is divided into four sections: 1) China’s market reform; 2) Mass ...

Statement on our National Fate by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan 1971

to determine its own destiny. TO THE LEADERS OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA Our nation ... Contemporary Taiwan Topic:  Economics Human rights Politics Tags:  Democracy ...

China's Policies and Practices on Protecting Freedom of Religious Belief

of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China adopts policies on freedom of religious ... National Congress in 2012, China, under the staunch leadership of the CPC ... of Religious Belief China adopts policies on freedom of religious belief, manages ...
