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China earthquake relief-- options for corporations

May 19, 2008 Via the US-China Business Council, the Chinese embassy in Washington has put out the following request for assistance on May 19, 2008. Please see the embassy contact information provided at the bottom ...

Urbanization in East and Southeast Asia

is breathtaking, and descriptions that might give us insights into Jakarta or Tokyo ...

Tang Elected Fellow of Leading Academy

in the U.S. and abroad,” said Jack Knott, dean of SPPD. “His knowledge ...

Author Yu Jie discusses "China's Best Actor: Wen Jiabao"

Christians meeting with US Pres. George W. Bush at the White House in May 2006. ...

Video: Varieties of Authoritarianism- Comparing China and Russia

"The Negotiations to Normalize US-China Relations" (1988). He ...

Andrew Scobell: Is there a civil-military gap in China's peaceful rise?

at the U.S. Army War College and Adjunct Professor of Political Science ...

USC Global Fellows heading to Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Taipei

May 4, 2011 The Program is open to U.S. citizens of all majors and it provides stipends for USC undergraduates (Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors graduating in December) to live and work in Asia for eight weeks ...

Ezra Vogel on Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China

of the USC US-China Institute Board of Scholars. The event was co-sponsored ...

Video: Greg Anderson on State Capitalism in China’s Auto Industry

not only how China surpassed the U.S. to become the world’s largest market ...

Stanley Karnow, 1925-2013

handler came and took us in a limo and took us to the hotel. We didn’t know ... Revolution, it starts off and the Red Guard papers start coming in. The U.S ... transcripts of Chinese broadcasts prepared by the U.S. government.] You have two ...
