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Talking Points: Happy Thanksgiving 2017

for your ongoing interest into U.S.-China relations and developments in contemporary China. We are especially appreciative of those of you who ... After Nixon’s 1972 trip to China, interest further expanded. Chen and her ...

President Clinton's Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters Following Discussions With President Jiang Zemin of China in Seattle, 1993

billion people of China who are enjoying this unprecedented economic growth ... completed a meeting with President Jiang of China which I believe was very productive. It was an important meeting for the people of China and the people ...

2018 Amendment to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China

March 11, 2018 Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 1975   |  Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 1978  |  Constitution of the People’s Republic of China  1982  (amended through 2004) |  1988 Amendments ...

Daniel Russel, “Remarks at USCI’s China’s Growing Pains Conference,” April 22, 2016

understand China’s need for internal economic reforms and a transition ... April 22, 2016 Remarks at "China's Growing Pains" ... and Pacific Affairs University of Southern California U.S.-China Institute Los ...

2010 Report to Congress On China’s WTO Compliance

and the economic reforms that China began more than three decades ago. ... continued to frustrate economic reform efforts, while China’s difficulties ... which was affected by the global economic downturn, U.S.-China trade has ...

The world is running out of N95 masks

isn't a long term solution. Before COVID-19, China produced half ... in China, they stopped exporting masks and  imported most of the world's ... enough N95 masks to go around. China’s ramped up total mask production ...

Sinn, Pacific Crossing: California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong (April 2, 2013)

of the social, cultural, and economic drivers behind the China trade and Chinese ... embarked and returned to China. She asserts that owing to fluctuations ... of trans-Pacific economic exchanges. Sinn begins by outlining the origins of Hong ...

USC and China in the News, May and June 2008

July 11, 2008 Click here for other "USC and China ... into question what kind of democracy China could be, Kurlantzick wrote. "Many ... a freer China might become a more dangerous China. Able to truly express ...

Semiconductor Dependency

billion in 2020. Their economic importance and their role in defense ... semiconductor companies are based in the U.S. While China imports vast amounts ... just 5% of total semiconductor sales. Because China can't meet its ...

Journalism Students Gain Valuable Experience a World Away

to Beijing, tribal villages in China and Disney’s Asia headquarters, where ... South China Morning Post. He also wrote about music, old Hong Kong maps, education, biotechnology and court cases. The paper also published his first ...
