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How Christianity Came to China

and cultural change in China is a huge issue for the economic and political ... “There's no question that many in China feel that with the focus on economic ... “Experts say that quite possibly, within a few years, China ...

Hu Jintao, Speech at Chinese Communist Party 90th Anniversary Gathering, July 1, 2011

groups in China, we are holding this grand meeting here to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and also to review the great course of China's development and progress and look ...

John Negroponte, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, “Remarks to American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing,” January 8, 2009

and China have accounted for more than 40 percent of the global economic ... The United States-China Strategic Economic Dialogue led by Treasury Secretary ... economic cooperation. I want to express our appreciation for China’s positive ...

Chang, "Family matters: Women's negotiation with Confucian family ethics in Qing and republican China," 2007

the readers to guarantee their economic security in the family. Meanwhile, ...

Baizhu Chen, Discussant for the Debt and Property Panel

of monetary economics, international finance, and Chinese financial market ... Center for China Studies, the Chinese National Science Foundation, and Eurasian Studies of Taiwan for his research on China's central bank ...

Talking Points, February 11-- 25, 2009

week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will soon be in China. Clinton has argued that strategic discussions between the U.S. and China became too focused on economic concerns during the Bush administration. She ...

Council on Foreign Relations, "CFR Backgrounders: The China-North Korea Relationship," August 22, 2014

Since the war, China has lent political and economic backing to North ... for tough economic sanctions beyond those targeting luxury goods. China ... August 22, 2014 Introduction China is North Korea's most ...

Paul, ed., The China-India Rivalry in the Globalization Era, 2018

there is now a "China model" of politics and economic development under ... for China that seeks to solidify its economic and political leadership in its ... T. V. Paul, ed.  The China-India Rivalry in the Globalization Era.  ...

USC and China in the News, September and October 2008

Policy." Klein noted the remarkable economic progress China had made ... November 21, 2008 Click here for other "USC and China ... in China, a project launched by the USC School of Architecture in spring 2008, ...

Congressional Research Service, “US-Funded Assistance Programs in China,” January 28, 2008

their development aid to China, due largely to China’s rise as an economic power. ... to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) primarily supports democracy-related ... in China, monitoring human rights conditions in the PRC from outside China ...
