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USCI Conference in the Press

May 3, 2007 The USC U.S.- China Institute's inaugural conference on "The Future of U.S.- China Relations" on April 20-21, ... of Susan Shirk's new book China: Fragile Superpower: ...

Sen. Robert Menendez and others, “Letter Calling for the Sale of f-16s to Taiwan,” May 26, 2011

May 26, 2011 May 26, 2011 President Barack Obama The White House ... the direct tlueat faced by Taiwan as a result of China's unprecedented ... at Taiwan, and China is in the process of deploying next generation Chinese ...

Michael Meyer Discusses "The Last Days of Old Beijing: Life in the Vanishing Backstreets of a City Transformed"

and China, relentlessly modernizes.   Soon we will be able to say about old ... of Beijing and China over a thousand years through his narrative, Meyer ... of the planet into shining focus.   Michael Meyer first went to China in 1995 ...

Richard Nixon and Yen Chia-kan "Memorandum of Conversation," January 5, 1973, 4:00-4:15pm

c;ommitrnent, military assistance, or economic relationship. Taipei was badly ... Plan. The White House photographer will take photos at the beginning ...

Joint Communiqué Between the People's Republic of China and The Republic of Zambia, February 4, 2007

(FOCAC), China-Zambia political and economic relations as well ... the two sides decided to build a Zambia-China trade and economic cooperation ... of the economic reforms undertaken by the People's Republic of China ...

Talking Points, February 10- 24, 2010

02/17/2010: Sketches of China: Works on Paper by Hyunsook Cho Pacific Asia ... of the Tiger is upon us. Across China and elsewhere families are gathering ... We hope you enjoy them. Gongxi facai! 恭喜发财! China 1998 United States ...

Matthew Kahn Discusses His Book "Blue Skies over Beijing"

as China's economy has grown by leaps and bounds, the environmental quality ... in the world are in China. Yet, millions of people continue moving to its cities ... that China's urban development impacts local and global environmental challenges. ...

2008-2009 USCI Graduate Summer Fieldwork Grants

on state-society relations and how China's economic advance has strengthened its ... by a generous gift from the Eleven Twenty Seven Foundation and the USA China Law ... of History "New England Merchants, the China Trade, and the O rigins ...

5th Annual International Symposium: "The Challenge of a Rising China and US-China Competition/Cooperation in Asia Pacific"

Economic & Cultural Office, Kansas             City Sam Zhao, Executive ... Panel One China ’s Rise and transformation of US- China Relations Chair: Sam Zhao, University of Denver The U.S.- China Relationship:  Why ...

China's Growing International Clout: Part 5 of the Election ’08 and the Challenge of China

of nuclear weapons. China’s rapid economic development requires ever increasing ... in U.S.-China Economic Relations, 2007 U.S. Assistant Sec. of State Paula ... and the Challenge of China page. China’s playing an important and growing role ...
