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Additional Articles to the Constitution of the Republic of China Sixth Revision April 24, 2000

April 24, 2000 Constitution of the Republic of China 1946   |  2000 ... the following articles of the Republic of China Constitution are added or amended to the Republic of China Constitution in accordance with Article 27, Paragraph 1, ...

Hollywood 3.0 The Best of Both Worlds: Co-Producing Films for the U.S. and China

man who had never been abroad, moved to China and began relating ... as well as China.  Prior to joining East West Bank, Mr. Pozil served for 11 ... of international content in China.     View the event page here.   This video is also ...

China’s Role in the Negotiations Surrounding the Global Financial Architecture in the Wake of the 2008/09 Financial Crisis

years after the outbreak of the last Global Financial Crisis (GFC), China ... architecture. Not unlike other emerging economies, China’s prudential ... consequences of the GFC. China’s continued growth throughout the crisis years ...

Xu, "Foreign capital inflows and trade policy change: The automotive and consumer electronics industries in Brazil and China," 2001

Section:  Research by faculty Faculty Topic:  Economics Tags:  trade ...

Li, "Speaking for Taiwanese history, culture and past: Hou Hsaio-Hsien's 'Taiwan Trilogy,' " 1996

this thesis argues that Taiwan is a different nation from mainland China because ... and the "White Terror" of the 1950s. By undertaking a textural analyses ...

US Department of Defense, Military Power of the People’s Republic of China, 2004

identified improvements in China’s military capabilities in a significant ... C4ISR systems and improving inter-service cooperation. Defense Economics. This report’s assessment of China’s announced defense budget and estimated ...

Will the Olympics Change China?

and member of the USC U.S.-China Institute executive committee, challenges ... their ideas. Writing in the current issue of the Far Eastern Economic Review, ... is a plot hatched by the West and Japan to bring disorder and chaos to China ...

USC and China in the News, May and June 2012

Rosen was quoted in an article about how China’s economic rise ... June 28, 2012 Click here for other "USC and China ... studying in the US electing to return to China, noted that USC’s Chelsea Hu ...

Property Rights, Land Speculation, and Urban Sprawl: A Comparative Study of U.S. and China

planning in China can be regarded as an extension of the western urban planning modes to the east. China borrows a lot of experience in the field ... Meanwhile, disparities in urban policies also exist between China and the U.S. ...

Video: Reporting on China

Correspondents' Club of China, and is chair of its Media Freedoms Committee, which ... with the  Far Eastern Economic Review  and India with the  Wall Street Journal. Today, he leads Asia Society Southern California and remains close to China ...
