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Corporate Social Responsibility in China

April 8, 2021 Cotton farmers in China's Xinjiang Uygur ... in China and elsewhere. Worldwide, 83% of those surveyed wanted businesses ... of H&M for "spreading lies" about China and "boycotting ...

China and Afghanistan

and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is the BRI flagship project. Poor ... for economic development, China's government worked with Russia and Central ... with Taliban's political chief Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar in Tianjin, China on July ...

Talking Points, July 8- July 22, 2009

in China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region since Sunday. Much of the violence ... by the Associated Press, July 7, 2009 The Han are China’s largest ethnic group, ... dominate China’s Party-State and its economy, have treated ethnic minorities ...

The Olympics Return to Beijing

in 2008, it was seen as China's return to the international stage. ... and an Olympic Village, China initiated pollution controls and other measures ... second largest economy, China seemed very much on the move. In 2008 ...

Looking at Protesting in China

Republic of China guarantees "citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, ... attention, like those in Tiananmen Square and across China in 1989 and the more ...

Talking Points, September 12-22, 2010

argued the U.S. was working to contain China, to block its advance. ... fighter jet off the South China coast. Participants in the People’s Daily’s ... highlighted. Global Times (below) The public response of China’s leaders ...

Hope and fear

in China’s northwest is enormous, consisting of one-sixth of the country’s ... people/square mile). The region is vital to China’s economy, with the largest ... and Road Initiative aims to tie China closer to Xinjiang’s neighbors ...