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Lumbers, Piercing the Bamboo Curtain: Tentative Bridge-Building to China during the Johnson Years, 2008

solution to end the war.  Rusk himself recognized the merits of that plan ...

Paul H. Kratoska, Asian Labor in the Wartime Japanese History: Unknown Histories, 2005.

plans ran aground upon the rocks of local realities and the exigencies ...

Zhao, A Nation-State by Construction: Dynamics of Modern Chinese Nationalism, 2004

As I tuned into CNN, all of my plans evaporated. One after the other, broadcast ...

Tilt, The Struggle for Sustainability in Rural China: Environmental Values and Civil Society, 2010

developmental plan by China's central government called the Great Opening ...

Zaccarini, The Sino-American Friendship as Tradition and Challenge: Dr. Ailie Gale in China, 1908-1950, 2001

organizations, honing her skills in planning, staffing, fund-raising, budgeting, ...

Kim, Holy War in China: The Muslim Rebellion and State in Chinese Central Asia, 1864-1877, 2004.

a wealth of data, not only on operations, but also planning, logistics, ...

Dikotter, The Discourse of Race in Modern China, 1992.

family planning practices are once again giving rise to eugenics and other ...

Talking Points, February 27- March 12, 2008

can join us for this event and for the many China-related events planned ...

Talking Points, March 19- April 2, 2008

17:   “It is obvious that the latest well-planned sabotage in Lhasa ...

Talking Points, December 10- 24, 2008

top officials, articulated the government’s plans for Tibet ...
