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Joint Press Conference of President Clinton and Premier Zhu Rongji of the People's Republic of China, 1999

of the People's Republic?  I told her that we planned to hold a very grand military ... reforms made greater progress than originally planned.          Firstly, ... And this year, we plan to press forward the reform of the local governments.  We ...

Statement of Jon M. Huntsman, Jr. to Senate Foreign Relations Committee, July 23, 2009

both enacted bold fiscal stimulus plans. In April, President Obama ...

Robert Hormats, Addressing the Challenges of the China Model, May 11, 2011

all economic actors face in the implementation of their business plans ...

Joint Communiqué Between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa, February 6, 2007

Cooperation---Beijing Action Plan (2007-2009). XVIII. China applauded the role played ...

China and Portugal Issues a Joint Press Communiqué, January 13, 2005

Plan for Cultural Exchanges from 2005 to 2007 between the Government ...

Wu Bangguo, “2013 Work Report of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee,” March 8, 2013

resolved or made plans to resolve 76% of the issues raised in them, and over ...

The Tao Teh King [Daodejing], Or The Tao And Its Characteristics, Ch. 66- 81

plans are skilful and effective. The meshes of the net of Heaven ...

Mainland Affairs Council, "Current Situation, Future Prospects, Mainland Policy, 2nd Chiang-Chen Talks," November 2008

and city mayors are planning a trip to mainland China. Their proposed travel ... a “Plan to Ease the Ceiling on Mainland-bound Capital Investment ... to be implemented in Taiwan, a “Plan to Ease the Ceiling on Mainland-bound Capital ...

Negroponte on "The Future of Political, Economic and Security Relations with China"-- May 1, 2007

to speak, assemble, and publish; to worship freely; and to plan their families ...
