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Tiananmen Square Document 3: Cable, More Student Demonstrations, 1985

the nuclear weapons testing program in Xinjiang Province in western China ... Section:  Documents Documents- Contemporary China Topic:  Culture ...

Stewart, Journeys to Empire-- Enlightenment, Imperialism, and the British Encounter with Tibet, 1774-1904, 2009

and the Diaspora (New York: Palgrave, 2001); K. Teltscher, The High Road to China ...   Section:  Book Reviews Reviews- Pre-1949 China Topic:  Culture Tags:  Tibet ...

Zbigniew Brzezinski memo to Pres. Jimmy Carter, October 13, 1978

BETWEEN THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND THE UNITED STATES JANUARY 15, 1979 1. The United States of America and the People’s Republic of China ... in the Shanghai Communique: The Government of the People’s Republic of China ...

Q&A With Philip Wang On Asian-American Media

November 7, 2018 Originally published by US-China Today on November 7, 2018. Written by Emma Cockerell. US-China Today spoke with Wong Fu ... Section:  US-China Today Topic:  Perceptions Custom Thumbnail:  ...

Tom Donilon, "Press Briefing following Sunnylands Meeting," June 8, 2013

very focused on this China meeting as a lead person for the President on U.S.-China relations, so he can speak to anything associated with that or other ... of China over the last couple of days here in California. I’d say ...

U.S. Director of National Intelligence, Summary of Assessments of the Origins of SARS-CoV-2 (Virus that causes Covid-19), August 26, 2021

with the first known cluster of COVID- 19 cases arising in Wuhan, China in December ... China’s officials did not have foreknowledge of the virus before the initial ... to SARS- CoV- 2. These analysts give weight to China’s officials’ lack ...

Mao, Proclamation of the Central People's Government of the PRC, October 1, 1949

March 26, 2019 The people throughout China have been plunged ... and people's organization of China, the People's Liberation Army, the various regions ... People's Government of the People's Republic of China, elected Mao ...

Rex Tillerson and Wang Yi, Remarks after meeting, March 18, 2017

States and China. This is an important opportunity to follow up ... the U.S.-China relationship has been guided by an understanding of non-conflict, ... The United States and China are the world’s two largest economies, and we must ...

Behind the Curtains: The Evolution and Impact of Asian Americans in Theatre

January 17, 2017 Originally published by US-China Today on January 17, 2017. Written by Catherine Wang.  Years before Lauren Tom landed her ... Section:  US-China Today Topic:  Perceptions Custom Thumbnail:  ...

U.S. State Department, 2020 Hong Kong Autonomy Report, May 28, 2020

and prosperous Hong Kong would change China by leading the regime in a more liberal direction. China’s promise was that for 50 years, Hong Kong would have certain ... Declaration, a UN-filed international treaty. Instead, authoritarian China has ...
