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Beijing International Film Festival attracts USC faculty

Associate Professor of Practice Jason E. Squire just returned from China ... of China and also by the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality. The China Film Association and the China National Film Museum served as summit ...

Mark Toner, Remarks on Ma Ying-jeou’s Visit to Taiping Island, January 27, 2016

China Sea. We urge Taiwan and all claimants to lower tensions ... QUESTION: Follow-up. QUESTION: But even during the China build the rock, ... very clear that we disagree with China’s actions in terms of manmade ...

Shanghai Disney closure

nonstop flights to California from China each week. In 2019, Chinese visitors spent over $4 billion in California. More about Disney in China ... was interviewed on the  China Life  podcast about her time in the country. US-China ...

Teaching about Asia, June 2010

or until seminar is full The USC U.S. – China Institute (USCI) ... To Apply: http://china ... is the 100th anniversary of China`s 1911 revolution. Other possibilities might ...

Video: Panelists Discuss the Film "Above the Drowning Sea"

October 17, 2017 The USC U.S.-China Institute, USC Pacific Asia ... and produced award-winning documentaries on art and China. Clayton Dube, Director, USC U.S.-China Institute Dube has headed the institute since ...

New Publication: From "Tribute System" to "Peaceful Rise"

Analysts Discuss China’s Foreign Relations," the issue offers revised ... China’s important place in today’s world we sometimes want to draw insights ... China's talk of a "peaceful rise" less convincing, its ...

U.S. Department of State, "Country Reports on Terrorism 2013," April 2014

| 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 CHINA (HONG KONG AND MACAU) Overview: China's cooperation with the United States ... exchanges. China expanded cooperation with countries in the region, however, ...

Auerbach, Race, Law, and "The Chinese Puzzle" in Imperial Britain, 2009

to the scholarly literature on Anglo-American representations of China ... in Nineteenth-century China [2003] and Robert Bickers's  Britain in China: Community ... unexplored, avenue to explore British representations of China and the Chinese ...

Pangolins And A Pandemic: The Evolving Chinese Wildlife Trade

August 18, 2021 Originally published on US-China Today on August 18, ... That reality? China’s incredibly lucrative wildlife trafficking industry. What, ... exploitation of wildlife, the trade continues to flourish. According to China ...

U.S. Department of State, "Country Reports on Terrorism 2012," May 30, 2013

| 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 CHINA Overview: China ... with little reciprocity in information exchanges. China continued to expand ... Tajikistan, and Thailand. China’s domestic counterterrorism efforts remained ...
