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Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Julie Yu-Wen Chen

Tianditu: An exploratory Study of China’s Online Mapping Service.” Julie ... at the Academia Sinica in Taiwan and honorary research fellow at the Institute ...

Watch presentations from "The China Card: Politics vs. Policy," USCI's 10th Anniversary Conference

research institutions, and varying levels of government in U.S.-China ... Dube, USC U.S.-China Institute   U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC TIES: JOINED ... and computational social science. She draws upon field research in China, documents ...

TRA at 40: Shirley Kan discusses the enduring importance of America's Taiwan Relations Act

at the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, a branch of the U.S. Library ... of Asian Research: Congressional Support for Taiwan’s Defense, May 2018 Some ... the People's Republic of China and to break formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan. ...

观看 “中国牌:政治与政策”南加大美中学院十周年会议

She draws upon field research in China, documents about American foreign ... States, and economic interactions among China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. ... Gallup clients and associates on research questions and economic analysis. ...

What's At Stake In Xinjiang

Xiaobo Fellow at the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, a U.S. ... reviewed the history of China’s policies toward ethnic minorities and the region’s economic and strategic importance. Nurnisa Kurban of UyghurLA shared ...

Video: Andrew Scobell and Tai Ming Cheung examine the remaking of the PLA by Xi Jinping

Service and director of the China certificate program at Texas A&M ... economic, and strategic developments in greater China. He was also ... Influence on China’s National Security Policymaking  (Stanford University ...

Mikkal E. Herberg on China's Energy Future

June 19, 2013 Mikkal E. Herberg is Research Director of NBR's ... where from 1997 to 2000 was Director for Global Energy and Economics, responsible for worldwide energy, economic, and political analysis. He also ...

Stein Ringen Discusses His Book "The Perfect Dictatorship: China In The 21st Century"

Dictatorship: China in the 21st Century, examines how China’s distinctive ... and that China’s economy is more fragile and its political system more dictatorial ... ideological are China’s leaders? How is control exerted?   This video is also ...

Video: David Zweig Speaks On The War For Chinese Talent In The United States

scholar of China’s effort to build its talent pool. He’s researched Chinese ... April 24, 2024 Prof. Zweig draws on decades of research to document China’s “over-the-top” effort to gain the help of immensely talented Chinese ...

Video: Syaru Shirley Lin Examines Sino-Taiwan Relations

claimed to seek. In addition, Taiwan’s economic policy toward China has ... Sunflower Movement succeeded in obstructing deeper economic ties with China ... "Taiwan's China Dilemma" Section:  Multimedia News Topic:  Economics ...
