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Initial USCI Faculty Research Grants Awarded

As an indicator of the immense cross-campus research interest in China ... This collaboration of USC and Chinese researchers is investigating how economic changes ... Renmin University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, and the China Research Center ...

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Maria Repnikova

is Research Officer for the ESRC Project "UK-China-Africa Media Research ... Service from Georgetown University. Her current research interests are: ... on the issues of the press in China and Russia. She has received her Masters ...

USC US-China Institute, "China in US Presidential Debates"

going to win the economic struggle or is China going to win it? Who ... excerpts focusing on China and America's policies toward China. Click ... of these excerpts. China in U.S. Presidential Debates   Kennedy vs. Nixon, 1960 Carter ...

Nationalism and Silicon

established research and development operations in China. Because ... done in their China research and development centers. China’s government ... October 23, 2023 China and the U.S. are battling to dominate the key ...

Taiwan opposition voices on cross-strait services agreement and more

relations with China and with the United States, the USC U.S.-China Institute  ... representative to the United States, heading the Taipei Economic and Cultural ... Wu offers a DPP perspective on the cross-strait services agreement ...

China's Role in Global Financial Regulatory Reform

in China in the academic year 2012/13. As part of my research plan, ... research as elaborated in this paper is that China is currently ... financial crisis better than any other country, China is now facing a new set ...

Building a China Shop

research on the contemporary U.S.-China relationship.” Garrett, who is vice ... Elizabeth Garrett, the U.S.-China Institute fills a unique niche – or perhaps ... worldwide turn to for cutting-edge social science research on significant ...

观看 “中国牌:政治与政策”南加大美中学院十周年会议

She draws upon field research in China, documents about American foreign ... States, and economic interactions among China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. ... Gallup clients and associates on research questions and economic analysis. ...

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Bingchun Meng

December 4, 2012 Bingchun Meng London School of Economics. “Mediated ... Bingchun Meng is a Lecturer at the London School of Economics. She has a BA ... (2000) from Nanjing University, China. She obtained a PhD in Mass ...

California Counts

of 22%. Top California Services Exports to China 2019 2021 education $2.4 ... to China last month. This week the top U.S. and Chinese officials on climate ... to California for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. Only four ...
