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Assignment: China- A Tale of Two Chinas

September 30, 2015 English | 中文 Assignment: China Homepage China ... the country's economy took off, triggering dramatic social, economic, and even political changes. It was a decade marked by the emergence of China ...

Kevin Gallagher: The Dragon in the Room: China and the Future of Latin American Industrialization

Channel. For other articles and documents on the relationship between China ... the Global Development Policy Program. He is also senior researcher ... Gallagher is the author of The Dragon in the Room: China and the Future ...

Daniel Lynch on "The Next Chinese Revolution"

Chinese statistics suggest that China's economic downturn was never ... month, Wen said, “China’s economic rebound is unstable, unbalanced ... of the People's Republic of China. There will be massive military parades and many ...

Watch presentations from "China: Finding Solutions," A USCI Conference

in Mongolia, China, Philippines and Ukraine, where he worked as economic ... of the Environment. She has provided expert testimony to the US-China Economic Security ... Jiang has long been engaged in research on China's senior living ...

How China’s ‘leftover women’ are using their financial power to fight the stigma of being single

the economic reform of the 1980s, women in China appear to be increasingly ... on the rise of singlehood and its economic muscle. China’s “ Singles’ Day ”, ... 15, 2021. Written by  Robert Kozinets  and  Chih-Ling Liu. In China ...

Steven Sample opens USC US-China Institute Conference (video and transcript)

a rising economic power... We feel it is necessary to research China ... for International Business Education and Research. It’s funding the China ... university. He strengthened the university's teaching and research ...

Andrew Scobell: Is there a civil-military gap in China's peaceful rise?

Chinese civilian and military officials say about China's rise ... of China appears intent on becoming a responsible great power. Beijing ... is witnessing China’s “peaceful rise” or “peaceful development.” China ...

Andrew Scobell Discusses His Book "PLA Influence on China's National Security Policymaking"

of Government and Public Service and director of the China certificate program ... that is responsive to orders from the CCP. PLA Influence on China's National ... It then assesses the PLA's role in China's territorial disputes ...

Video: Panel Looks at Ways to Combat Prejudice

Research Center in Atlanta. He has long focused on U.S.-China perceptions ... represented California’s 33rd Congressional District since 2015. Prior ... and is the Whip of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus. He has been ...

Chinese American Film Festival 2012- Huang Huilin

selected five films that provided popular in China. At USC five AICCC ... solid, in-depth research and art works with Chinese characteristics ... of the Film, Television and Theater Research Center of Beijing Normal University, ...
