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Video: Deborah Brautigam on China and Africa

February 19, 2016

Deborah Bräutigam, one of the world’s leading experts on China and Africa, explores China’s evolving global quest for food security and Africa’s possibilities for structural transformation.

Louisa Lim Discusses her book "The People's Republic of Amnesia: Tiananmen Revisited"

January 29, 2016

In The People's Republic of Amnesia, Louisa Lim charts how the events of June 4th changed China, and how China changed the events of June 4th by rewriting its own history.

Video: Terry Flew discusses China's investments in exporting entertainment media

January 25, 2016

The USC U.S.-China Instituted hosted Terry Flew from the Digital Media Research Centre at the Queensland University of Technology in Australia. He examined the case of China's investments in exporting entertainment media as case study of the opportunities and challenges of a changing global media landscape.

Video: Andrew Scobell and Tai Ming Cheung examine the remaking of the PLA by Xi Jinping

December 11, 2015

The USC U.S.-China Institute hosts a discussion to look at how China's national security policy is shaped under Xi Jinping.

Video: Tiananmen Revisited with Louisa Lim

December 7, 2015

The USC U.S.-China Institute hosted a book talk by Louisa Lim, an award-winning journalist who has reported from China for a decade. "The People's Republic of Amnesia: Tiananmen Revisited" discusses how the events of June 4th changed China, and how China changed the events of June 4th by rewriting its own history.

解析中国之旅 -天安门广场

December 3, 2015


Timothy Heath discusses his book "China's New Governing Party Paradigm"

November 11, 2015

Timothy Heath, Senior International Defense Research Analyst of The RAND Corporation, discusses the historic context, drivers, and meaning of the governing party paradigm in China.

Videos from the US-China Relations Symposium in Shanghai

November 6, 2015

Watch presentations from the symposium the USC U.S.-China Institute hosted in Shanghai in October 2015. After market shocks, the Xi visit, and the 5th plenum of the CCP and ahead of elections in Taiwan and the U.S., the speakers examined U.S.-China relations and cross-strait ties.

Mapping the Future of Entertainment

November 1, 2015

Dean Ernest J. Wilson III moderated "Mapping the Future of Entertainment," featuring a keynote from Chen Xiao, Vice President of iQIYI.

Assignment: China - The New Millennium

September 30, 2015

This segment of the Assignment:China series focuses the early years of the new millennium, when China experienced a new kind of social liberalization and the American press corps enjoyed a period of the easing of the worst of the restrictions imposed during the post-Tiananmen crackdown of the 1990s, enabling reporters to dig into Chinese society in ways that had previously been difficult, if not impossible.
