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100 Years of the Chinese Communist Party

June 24, 2021

A look at Communist Party demographics as it turns 100.

U.S. & China Trade with G7 Members

June 17, 2021

Our latest infographic compares U.S. and Chinese trade with G7 member countries.

Video Games in the U.S. and China

June 10, 2021

More people than ever are reaching for the game controller instead of the TV remote.

Chinese Students in U.S. Colleges

June 3, 2021

Online and in person, students are donning caps and gowns. This week we look at Chinese students in America and America's continuing desirability as a study abroad destination.

Congressional Mentions of AAPI on Social Media

May 27, 2021

The growth of AAPI population in the U.S. and the recent rise in violence against them has lawmakers tweeting more than ever.

Income Taxes in the U.S. & China

May 20, 2021

America is much more dependent than China on individual tax payers.

Coming to America, Asian Migration

May 13, 2021

Chinese have been immigrating to the U.S. since record keeping began in 1820.

Increasing Military Spending

May 6, 2021

Global military expenditure rose 2.6% last year. The U.S. and China outspend the rest of the world.

Asian Directors and the Oscars

April 29, 2021

A woman from China just received the Best Director Oscar, but most people in China don't know it.

Running out of water

April 22, 2021

Freshwater supplies have been shrinking worldwide. How are the U.S. and China coping?
