Secrets of Foreign Companies’ Success
New USC Marshall study looks at the factors behind successful entry into Chinese and Indian marketplaces.
Ambassador Clark Randt on "The Crucial Relationship"
America's ambassador to China delivered a wide-ranging assessment of US-China relations in his Herbert G. Klein Lecture at USC.
Association of Pacific Rim Universities offers Shanghai Summer 2008 Program
Students from USC and other member universities will examine China's economy and society
Freshmen Study Global Economy in Shanghai
The journey is a ‘cultural awakening’ for many of the USC Marshall students taking their first trip abroad.
USC scholars investigate China's homeowner associations
Civic Engagement Intiative researchers are part of effort to understand the implications of the mobilization of property owners
USCI Board Member Justin Yifu Lin named World Bank Chief Economist
Beijing University scholar played influential role in reforming the Chinese economy
New course: China and the World
Professor Carolyn Cartier will offer East Asian Studies 160gm, a new interdisciplinary course in spring 2008.
Can China make its exports safe?
USC Alum and Life Trustee Herbert G. Klein published this opinion piece in the San Diego Union-Tribune. A lecture series in his name has been established. Former U.S. Ambassador to China J. Stapleton Roy gave the first campus lecture in the series in April.
China's International Recycling Trade
China's economy is partly driven by an extensive and international recycling trade. Historian Josh Goldstein shares the results of his most recent research trip to China.
Asian Management Strategies and Competition Policies Examined at Workshops
USC U.S. - China Institute steering committee member Guofu Tan and Thomas Ross of the University of British Columbia organized the Shanghai workshops to investigate varying approaches to promoting and protecting competition in Asia.