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Smashing Barriers…

September 24, 2007

USC staff member, Zach Williams, breaks barriers in China and the U.S.

Can China make its exports safe?

September 21, 2007

USC Alum and Life Trustee Herbert G. Klein published this opinion piece in the San Diego Union-Tribune. A lecture series in his name has been established. Former U.S. Ambassador to China J. Stapleton Roy gave the first campus lecture in the series in April.

A few problems, but that’s to be expected

September 17, 2007

Distinguished Chinese diplomat Wan Yunxiang 王雲翔 speaks on U.S.-China affairs at USC.

Chinese Students Complete USC Internship

August 30, 2007

Young engineers from Tsinghua University cap a six-week program filled with enriching experiences at the USC Viterbi School.

China's International Recycling Trade

August 29, 2007

China's economy is partly driven by an extensive and international recycling trade. Historian Josh Goldstein shares the results of his most recent research trip to China.

Course with new focus on China: Culture and Place

August 15, 2007

Professor Carolyn Cartier will offer Geography 325 in Fall 2007.

Shenzhen-Hong Kong Biennale

August 13, 2007

Qingyun Ma, Dean of the USC School of Architecture, will oversee the three-month event whose theme explores the need for revitalization.

Two New Books from USC China Specialists

July 21, 2007

Historians Joshua Goldstein and Charlotte Furth publish major books exploring Chinese cultural history.

Pete Vanderveen Establishes Ties in Asia

July 11, 2007

USC School of Pharmacy dean speaks at the fourth National Conference on Pharmacy Education in Taiwan.

High Level Delegation From China Visits USC to Discuss Public Diplomacy

July 2, 2007

A private meeting was held with the delegation to discuss international public diplomacy and the upcoming Olympics in Beijing.
