
Monkey King to become China’s Mickey Mouse?

February 29, 2012

International filmmakers and developers interested in partnering with China on business ventures, such as constructing theme parks or filming movies, are advised to have a deep understanding of the Chinese culture, panelists said during a recent “UCLA-USC Media and Culture in Contemporary China” conference.

报导中国(美国记者关于中国):开放 (Assignment: China - Opening Up 中文字幕版)

November 21, 2011

Segment of U.S.-China Institute's new documentary project Assignment: China 美中学院最新纪录片-解析中国之旅-开放/报导中国-开幕节选 This segment focuses on 1979-1983, when diplomatic relations were established and American reporters could be based in China.

2009-2010 USCI Faculty Research Grants

August 25, 2011

USC Faculty study visual ethnography, urbanization and environmental change, and American brands in China

Central Intelligence Agency, Two CIA Prisoners in China, 2006 and 2010

June 17, 2011

This article and documentary tells the story John T. Downey and Richard G. Fecteau. Both men were CIA officers who were captured, imprisoned, and eventually released from a Beijing prison.

Bringing Little Movies to Big China

February 25, 2011

USC School of Cinematic Arts professor Jason E. Squire travels to Guangzhou, China to present a two-day lecture to media executives.

Video: 2010 U.S.-China Film Co-Production Summit

November 2, 2010

The US-China Film Summit highlighted the growing entertainment media opportunities between established Hollywood and rapidly-emerging China.

Inspector General, Voice of America’s Chinese Branch, July 2010

July 1, 2010

Inspection report prepared for the US Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors. Originally designated “sensitive but unclassified.”

2009-2010 USCI Documentary Series

April 28, 2010

USCI presents the annual 2009-2010 documentary series featuring a list of films that explore various dimensions of Chinese society.
