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Grad student thinks small when crafting Chinese ornaments

“Architecture was considered to be quite a lowly profession in China and the names ... the Metropolitan Center for Far Eastern Art Studies, Luo traveled to China to spend ...

In memoriam: Gin Wong, USC trustee and prominent architect, 94

Sterling service record Born in Guangzhou, China, Wong was educated ... in Incheon, South Korea; a major corporate facility in Xiamen, China ...

Shoah Foundation film to be shown at film festival

filming Xia and her grandchildren walking through the places in China she ... the film in China and distribute it through a theatrical release to spread ...

USC Teams With Far East Filmmakers

this tripartite partnership, we hope to gain a greater understanding of China ...

Freeman Foundation Funds New USC Internships in Asia

with organizations in China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand ...

USC Expert in Asian Languages Dies

of China, Thompson lived there until age 14. As a young man, he joined ...

Pete Vanderveen Establishes Ties in Asia

The audience at the University of Taiwan included deans from Taiwan, China ...

These athletes row to the beat of a different drum

for hundreds of years in China, and thanks to globalization, it has found itself ...

Family of USC freshman donates 100,000 face masks to Keck Medicine of USC

April 10, 2020 Originally published by HSC News on April 10, 2020. Written by Alison Rainey. When Xiang-Rong Wang founded a water pump manufacturing company 25 years ago in Zhejiang, China, he named it Leo Group Pump. ...

Joint Statement on Anti-Asian Hate and Violence

Center for Transpacific Studies, and U.S.-China Institute at USC, condemn ...
