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Happy Year of the Ox! 祝您牛年快乐!

differ. The White House reports that Biden wished Xi and the Chinese people well, but also raised concerns over unfair economic practices, repression in Hong Kong, Xinjiang and elsewhere in China and actions towards Taiwan ...

报导中国(美国记者关于中国):一个时代的终结 (Assignment: China- End of an Era 中文字幕版)

New York Times Jay Matthews, Washington Post Ron Nessen, Ford White ...

Remarks By Vice President Cheney At Fudan University Followed By Student Body Q&A, 2004

China's rapid and sustained economic growth has lifted the living standards ... modern economy. China's economic success has also come about through ... at home. And as China gains in economic strength, it also takes on new ...

Tom Donilon, " The United States and the Asia-Pacific in 2013," March 11, 2013

to the economic, strategic and political order emerging in the Asia-Pacific. Last ... In Beijing, China’s leadership transition will be completed this week. President ... to restore the foundation of the United States’ global leadership—our economic ...

Mendes, Portugal, China and the Macau Negotiations, 1986-1999 (August 27, 2013)

June 10, 2014 Carmen Amado Mendes.  Portugal, China and the Macau ... to the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the establishment of the Macau Special ... and who lost in the Portugal-China negotiations on Macau, based on what ...

Talking Points, September 26, 2007

them at our website. Prof. Baum’s paper on the implications of China ... Economic Relations between China and Taiwan. 10/05/2007: China’s Great ... China’s ruling Communist Party will hold its 17 th National Congress ...

#6: Holding China Accountable

I was expecting to read more about China's rise, economic rise, but all but the whole context of China becoming more open society, both economically ... Showdown, with us last summer. Watch Assignment: China, our documentary series ...

Talking Points, April 14-28, 2010

in China’s southern Qinghai province on April 14. Many thousands were injured ... China, are set to Beijing time, but since Yushu is 1,905 kilometers (1,190 ... become a priority for China’s leaders. And conveying this to the masses has ...

Talking Points, April 7- 21, 2010

at the Expo.” The USC US-China Institute is coordinating the student ambassador ... that distinguishes it from the 2008 Beijing Olympics. For China, the Games, ... requiring the building of subways and much more. Both events permit China ...

Paul H. Kratoska, Asian Labor in the Wartime Japanese History: Unknown Histories, 2005.

pp. Illustrations, notes, index. No price listed (paper), ISBN ... not know of it, and contributing to an academic paper trail on wartime ... scholars of Japan, China, Korea, and Southeast Asia together and successfully ...
