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Lumbers, Piercing the Bamboo Curtain: Tentative Bridge-Building to China during the Johnson Years, 2008

Tentative Bridge-Building to China during the Johnson Years. Manchester University Press, 2008.  ISBN 978-0-7190-7778-4. Johnson's China Syndrome ... the People's Republic of China (PRC) during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson.  ...

Michael Meyer Discusses "In Manchuria: A Village Called Wasteland and the Transformation of Rural China"

profile of China's legendary northeast territory. For three years, ... change most of rural China is undergoing, in the form of a privately held ... a phenomenon happening across China that Meyer documents for the first time; ...

Video: Michael Meyer on Learning About China From the Ground Up

about China, or even how to use chopsticks, Meyer wrote Chinese words up ... counterparts were just as bewildered by China's changes as he was.  Thus ... wife's Manchurian family, and headlong into efforts to protect China ...

Michael Meyer Discusses His Book "The Road To Sleeping Dragon: Learning China From The Ground Up"

about China, or even how to use chopsticks, Meyer wrote Chinese words up ... counterparts were just as bewildered by China's changes as he was.    Thus ... wife's Manchurian family, and headlong into efforts to protect China ...

President Reagan's Remarks at Fudan University in Shanghai, China, 1984

Wall of China, a structure so huge and marvelous that it can be seen from ... on his spring term papers, and his thoughts turn to you often. He asked me ... university.'' I'd like to say a few words about our China-U.S. educational ...

China's Cat Craze: How Felines are Leaving Their Paw Prints on China’s Economy

May 1, 2018 Originally published by US-China Today on May 1, 2018. ... by the commotion. Brother Cream, a plump orange-and-white cat, rose to fame five years ... stardom is just one example of the rising popularity of cats across China ...

Talking Points, December 10- 22, 2010

the economic progress China has made. Committee Chairman Jagland noted ... government’s reaction to it. Liu is far from being the only person in China who ... for a complete overhaul of China’s governing system in favor of a system ...

Talking Points, February 3- 17, 2010

of China: Works on Paper by Hyunsook Cho Pacific Asia Museum, Gallery ... campaigners to reduce tobacco use in China. Mackay, a Hong Kong based physician ... Video of her talk is now available at the US-China Institute website. ...

2007-2008 USCI Graduate Summer Fieldwork Grants

Department of History "New England Merchants, the China Trade, ... how American involvement in the China trade influenced the 1846 United ... guess that the new United States would trade with China, but few could ...

Barack Obama and Hu Jintao, Remarks at the Start of State Visit, January 19, 2011

of the community of nations.  Indeed, China’s success has brought with it economic ... "U.S./China Strategic and Economic Dialogue," July 2009 | Statements ... of the People's Republic of China at Official Arrival Ceremony South Lawn 9:20 A.M. ...
