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USCI's look at "The Future of U.S.- China Relations"

  The outlines of China ’s remarkable economic rise are well-known (from producing ... .   This economic success has helped China accumulate the $1.2 trillion in foreign ... March 20, 2007 What does China ’s rise mean for the United States? ...

Mian, Zhongguo liuxuesheng dacidian (A longer who's who of the stay-study-students of China), 1999

Reviews Reviews- China and the World Topic:  Culture Economics Politics ... (A longer who's who of the stay-study-students of China). Nanjing: ... consulted many personal memoirs, public and private papers, and existing ...

Gruzinski, The Eagle and the Dragon- Globalization and European Dreams of Conquest in China and America in the Sixteenth Century (December, 2014)

Globalization and European Dreams of Conquest in China and America ... viii + 293 pp. $69.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-7456-6711-9; $28.95 (paper ... piracy on China’s southern coast by his countrymen, Pires himself ended his ...

PRC State Council, China’s Space Activities in 2011, December 2011

in China's economic and social development. The next five years ... of PRC-issued white papers on various topics. Section:  Documents Documents- ... few years, China's space industry has developed rapidly and China ...

Manicom, Bridging Troubled Waters- China, Japan, and Maritime Order in the East China Sea (March, 2014)

and China’s need for a stable neighborhood in which to pursue economic growth. ... December 14, 2014 James Manicom. Bridging Troubled Waters: China, Japan, and Maritime Order in the East China Sea. Washington, DC: Georgetown ...

Liao, "Endometrial cancer in Asian migrants to the United States and their descendants," 2000

in US-born White females. Incident endometrial cancer cases were ascertained ... were particularly low (relative to US White women, RR (relative rate) in China-born = 0.55, RR in Japan-born = 0.33). The corresponding RRs in Chinese ...

Celebrating the Year of the Pig, USCI's Lunar New Year Stamp Collection

that the depiction on one of China’s new year stamps of a happy pig family with three piglets represented an early indication that China would change its policy ... on the family planning policy is that China's birth rate is falling ...

PRC State Council, China’s Human Resources, September 2010

employment structure. With China's economic development and industrial ... September 1, 2010 China's Human Resources Information Office of the State Council The People's Republic of China September, 2010 Beijing ...

PRC State Council, Nuclear Safety in China, September 2019

living standards, and promoting high-quality economic development. China ... to global nuclear safety governance. This white paper is being released ... of the People's Republic of China September 2019 First Edition 2019 Contents Preface ...

PRC State Council, Historical Witness to Ethnic Equality, Unity and Development in Xinjiang, September 24, 2015

Economic Relations and Trade Fairs and four China-Eurasia Expos. It has set ... September 24, 2015 Foreword China is a unified and multiethnic country. Xinjiang has been home to several of China's ethnic peoples ...
