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What’s the Difference?—Comparing U.S. and Chinese Trade Data, May 4, 2015

of unfair economic policies in China, and have introduced legislation seeking ... Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Politics Tags:  trade Custom Thumbnail:  ... trade deficit with China has been and continues to be an important issue ...

Congressional Research Service, What’s the Difference? — Comparing U.S. and Chinese Trade Data, March 24, 2016

economic policies in China, and have introduced legislation seeking to redress the perceived competitive disadvantage China’s policies have created ... with China has been and continues to be an important issue in bilateral trade ...

Teaching About Asia- October 2009

nine sessions, participants will learn about social, economic and political transitions in China, Japan and Korea from the nineteenth century ... Seminar- South Bay       The USC U.S. – China Institute (USCI) ...

Statement by the President Clinton on Most Favored Nation Status for China, 1993

the economic reforms in China-- reforms that by some measures place China ... here.  The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release ... for China Yesterday the American people won a tremendous victory as a majority ...

Election ’08 and the Challenge of China- USCI Documentary

October 6, 2008 “China has and will continue to have a tremendous ... Randt, Jr., U.S. Ambassador to China Responding to the rise of China ... The range of issues is daunting. On the economic front, bilateral ties have ...

Talking Points, January 6-20, 2020

Papers, Li argued that reactionaries from inside and outside China had ... possible 2020. The USC U.S.-China Institute has launched a podcast, China Life, and we invite you to give it a listen. In China Life, we hear from ...

Can China make its exports safe?

for economic affairs has become involved, and China's senior leadership has ... in his name has been established. Former U.S. Ambassador to China J. ... between the United States and China, but the angry public reaction ...

Talking Points: January 21- February 4, 2009

white paper” on China’s defense capabilities and priorities.  We ... and translated in China’s official Chinese language and English language press. ... segment devoted to Barack Obama’s policies toward China. It includes ...

Making it harder to "buy" China, Inc.

Dragon China Index tracks these companies. From 10,571 at the start ... about the impact of the pandemic and China’s zero covid mitigation ... Another factor is the potential economic fallout from the war in Ukraine. ...

Where do people buy stuff now?

soap, coffee, trash bags, and toilet paper a lot faster than before. Many are now buying essentials online. In China, for instance, 64% of consumers ... into who the big players are in the U.S. and China through four charts. ...
