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Video: What happened in Xinjiang in July 2009?

October 9, 2010 Northwest China's Xinjiang region is energy ... and is home to 40% of the China's known natural gas reserves. More than 21 ... of Han migrants from other parts of China have come to join in extracting ...

Urbanization in East and Southeast Asia

and is a member of the U.S.-China Institute's executive committee. Prof. ... factor is economic strength. Jakarta may be three times the size of Singapore, but the latter exerts a greater presence in the economic sphere. ...

Silverstein Named Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences Editor

October 13, 2009 Prof. Merril Silverstein's work in China has been supported by USC U.S.-China Institute grants and has received wide ... the fields of anthropology, demography, economics, epidemiology, geography, ...

Voices: Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou Meeting

relations, mainland China still views Taiwan as a rogue state. Meanwhile, many Taiwanese citizens fear closer integration with mainland China ... as the person who made the breakthrough with China.--Van der Wees, former Dutch ...

Dreyer, Middle Kingdom and Empire of the Rising Sun: Sino-Japanese Relations, Past and Present, 2016

prevails between Japan and China. It regards resolution of the issues ... of the animosity between China and Japan." She locates what she calls ... points to the "unwillingness of either China or Japan to accept ...

California-Jiangsu, MOU on Clean Energy Partnership, June 5, 2017

collaboration with China, including cooperation on climate change, air quality, ... to stimulate economic growth while improving air quality and public health; ... economic growth in both Jiangsu and California through business-led ...

Talking Points, July 9- 23, 2008

As a USC U.S.-China Institute study tour group found this week, within China ... the new 10 yuan note. *** America’s trade deficit with China is expanding. ... the U.S. Department of Commerce’s figures for May tomorrow. China ...

Fact Sheet- President Xi Jinping’s State Visit to the United States, September 25, 2015

President Xi Jinping of China for a State visit.  The two heads of state ... The United States and China decided to maintain communication and cooperation ... and economic development in Afghanistan, support an “Afghan led, Afghan owned” ...

Teaching About Asia: September 2010

family sheds light on the human cost of China`s ascendance as an economic ... FRIDAY, September 17, 2010, or until seminar is full The USC U.S.-China ...   ♦ USC Events ⇒ Last Train Home                           Date: ...

Teaching About Asia: August 2011

an innovative school forging ties with schools and businesses in China. This fall the USC US-China Institute is offering two National Consortium for Teaching ... in Contemporary China. A special Saturday session for teachers will be part ...
