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Talking Points, February 20- March 5, 2008

will discuss how the shocks to China’s fragile domestic economic order could have ... A documentary on the cultural and economic changes in China.  02/25/2008: ... challenges associated with the economic transformation and rise of China ...

Cohen, A Nation Like All Others: A Brief History of American Foreign Relations, 2019

in its fifth edition (America’s Response to China: A History ... less on raw military power than on advancing American economic influence ... militarism and Taft’s economic imperialism. But the new president embraced “the ...

Tibetan Government in Exile, "Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy," November 16, 2008

is available at: MEMORANDUM ... of China (PRC) in 2002, extensive discussions have been held between ... on autonomy in the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). ...


Inequality and Social Disparities During China's Economic ... of Southern California 演讲人: June Teufel Dreyer, University of Miami- U.S.-China ... and Reality in U.S.-China Relations (World Journal article on Dr. ...

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Chinese People But Were Afraid to Ask

China. Kayser uses soliloquy to get the characters to open up. “If you’re not in China, you wouldn’t get the chance to talk to a stay-at-home mom. I wanted to show the side of life in China with real factors.” The monologues ...

What's At Stake In Xinjiang

reviewed the history of China’s policies toward ethnic minorities and the region’s economic and strategic importance. Nurnisa Kurban of UyghurLA shared ... to the region changed it? Won’t economic development erase the tensions ...

2009 Human Rights Report: Vietnam March 11, 2010

tribunals; administrative, economic, and labor courts; and other tribunals ... of using the administrative, economic, or labor courts for civil cases. ... and businesses. However, economic diversification made membership in the CPV ...

Talking Points, March 4- 18, 2009

hour session. China faces grave economic challenges and officials have ... of the rising importance of the internet in China, Wen took questions in a live ... disclose their assets. Many of China’s 298 million netizens are eager to have ...

Dirty air takes lives

August 3, 2007 By Clayton Dube ON AN AVERAGE DAY IN CHINA outdoor ... that air pollution costs China between one and four percent of gross domestic ... requested the deletion.  On July 11, the World Bank’s China director, David ...

Talking Points, February 17- March 3, 2010

on the machinations of foreign entities. China has powerful economic and political ... on economic conditions in the US and China.  02/18/2010: Cold War Borders ... have been putting pressure on Russia and China to support stronger ...
