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Director Zhang Tongdao On Educational Reform And China’s “Born In 2000” Youth

November 19, 2019 Originally published by US-China Today on November ... largely to the country’s tremendous economic growth and swelling ... and their parents. US-China Today sat down with Zhang Tongdao, director ...

Nicholas Burns, Nominee for Ambassador to China, Oct. 20, 2021

for this nomination to be the next Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China. I owe ... to lead our team at the U.S. Mission in China, which is on the front lines ... the United States’ relationship with the People’s Republic of China is “the ...

US Dept. of Homeland Security, Strongly Warn U.S. Businesses Against Contributing to China’s Human Rights Abuses, July 1, 2020.

Against Contributing to China’s Human Rights Abuses WASHINGTON – Today, ... in China, particularly in the Xinjiang region, where the Chinese government ... economic, and legal risks associated with certain types of involvement ...

2015 Report to Congress On China’s WTO Compliance

begun to pursue further economic reform in China. If pursued ... economic reform in China as a win-win for the United States and China. If China is going to deal successfully with its increasing economic ...

US-China Today gets a new look

February 6, 2010 US-China Today, the USC US-China Institute ’s ... Now in its third year, US-China Today has established itself as a reliable source for original reporting on China and on the varied ...

China's Increasing Role in International Peacekeeping-- USC student co-authors think tank study

This role has expanded along with China’s economic expansion and its increasing involvement in international bodies. China now supplies more ... December 8, 2009   Chin-Hao Huang, USC, and Bates Gill, SIPRI China ...

Video: Why the way forward will be bumpy-- Bates Gill on US-China relations

toward China is souring.  China’s economic competitiveness, its claim ... to this trend.  Moreover, China is increasingly viewed as part of the problem ... ever that a stronger and more prosperous China can and should do more ...

Congressional Research Service, What’s the Difference? Comparing U.S. and China Trade Data, April 23, 2018

as a sign of unfair economic policies in China. The Trump Administration has reportedly asked China to develop a plan to reduce the bilateral trade deficit ... with China has been and continues to be an important issue in bilateral trade ...

Taiwan Election 2012: Outcomes and Implications for US-Taiwan-China Ties

the election may mean for Taiwan, for China, and for the United States. Clayton ... the U.S.-China Institute (南加州大学美中学院). He came to USC in 2006 from UCLA where he ... on the interaction between state and society in China. He's also written ...

U.S. Congressional–Executive Commission on China, "Annual Report 2004," October 5, 2004

China’s new leadership has gradually moved away from the “economic growth ... the past year in some areas of human rights and rule of law in China ... the government cannot control or influence. The Commission notes that China ...
