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China's High-Tech Surge- Investing in America and Innovation

for the ongoing debate, often ideological and acrimonious, over U.S-China high tech ... of recommendations to policymakers and business leaders in both the U.S. and China ... What are the economic and political factors behind these investments, ...

Wang, "The transformation of Taiwanese political economy since the mid-1980's: From authoritarian to quasi-democratic state," 2001

transition and the economic transformation in Taiwan. Democratization endows ... of by state. This economic rationality is both endorsed and constrained ... Taiwan gains ground in economic liberalization and privatization on the one ...

Congressional Research Service, "Hong Kong: Ten Years After the Handover," 2007

center and a leading gateway into China. However, Hong Kong’s economic ... Arrangement,” or CEPA, between China and Hong Kong. Current economic and trade ... Republic of China. Yet, even with these challenges, many Hong Kong residents ...

Panelists Discuss Key Issues Involving the South China Sea

the South China Sea certainly gets a lot of attention from world leaders, ... the economies of China, Japan, and South Korea passes through the area. So does a huge share of global trade. China’s built air strips, the Philippines has ...

2016 Report to Congress On China’s WTO Compliance

Indeed, economic reform in China is a win-win for the United States ...   Further economic reform in China also would provide strong benefits ... largely coincided with the economic reform goals of China’s leaders ...

2014 Report to Congress On China’s WTO Compliance

to underscore the importance of China’s economic reform. The  United States views economic reform in China as a win-win for the United States and China. If China is going to deal successfully with its economic challenges at home, ...

Acheson, Statement on China, 1949

in China. The most trustworthy military, economic, and politic al information ... August 5, 1949 Dean Acheson: United States Position on China, August ... of China was, however, maintained in both peace and war. Since V-J Day, ...

Congressional Research Service, "China’s Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Naval Capabilities – Background and Issues for Congress," December 23, 2014

China is building a modern and regionally powerful Navy with a modest but growing capability for conducting operations beyond China’s near-seas region. The question of how the United States should respond to China ...

Congressional Research Service, "China’s Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Naval Capabilities – Background and Issues for Congress," October 17, 2012

exclusive economic zone (EEZ); protecting China’s sea lines of communications; ... The question of how the United States should respond to China’s military ... to be very unlikely, in part because of significant U.S.-Chinese economic ...

Congressional Research Service, "China’s Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Naval Capabilities – Background and Issues for Congress," September 5, 2013

exclusive economic zone (EEZ); protecting China’s sea lines of communications; ... The question of how the United States should respond to China’s military ... to be very unlikely, in part because of significant U.S.-Chinese economic ...
