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Congressional Research Service, "China's Economy and the Beijing Olympics," August 6, 2008

August 6, 2008 China will host the 2008 Olympic Summer Games from ... China has spent billions of dollars for facilities and basic infrastructure in preparation for the international event. China anticipates ...

Wu, The Cultural Revolution at the Margins- Chinese Socialism in Crisis, 2014

"although China's economic infrastructure is still generally socialist, ... to understanding China's post-Mao shift of course and its economic ascent lies ... and confuse serves a clear objective: to conceal the reality of China ...

Duke in China

November 13, 2017 Duke in China was inaugurated in 1982 and is one of the longest-running credit-granting programs in China administered by an American ... and Economics in Beijing (UIBE), the program offers an intensive (two credits ...

Yu, "China's Korean minority: A study in the dissolution of ethnic identity," 2004

In this thesis, I focus on how Chinese economic reforms and interaction with South Koreans have brought change to the Korean ethnic minority in China ... Koreans would help Korean ethnics develop a minority society in China while ...

Urbanization in the U.S. and China

China's government has pushed urbanization as an engine of economic ... shows how urbanization in China was constrained during the the first three ... the post-Mao era of economic reform. Today 83% of Americans live in urban centers ...

Shaw, "Public administration of the one-child policy in the People's Republic of China: Population panacea or ideological mare's nest?," 2002

associated with population control in the People's Republic of China ... and connected with Malthusian or neo-Malthusian economic theory, links a country's economic development to an appropriate population size and economic ...

2003-2004 China Media Yearbook & Directory and China's Media & Entertainment Law Volume 1, 2003

January 1, 2003 Making Sense of China's New Media Environment ... on June 12, 2004. Republished by permission. 2003-2004 China Media Yearbook ... China's Media & Entertainment Law (Volume 1), TransAsia Publishing Ltd. ...

Congressional Research Service, "China and the United States—A Comparison of Green Energy Programs and Policies," June 14, 2010

with the goals set in the national government’s economic plan. China has set ... 2014 Summary China is the world’s most populous country with over 1.3 billion people. It has experienced tremendous economic growth over the last ...

Assignment: China- China Watching

February 27, 2014 English | 中文 Assignment: China Homepage China ... that reporters, diplomats, and others excluded from China engaged in in order to understand what was happening in China and what it meant for the U.S. ...

Walder, China under Mao- A Revolution Derailed (April 6, 2015)

May 12, 2015 Andrew G. Walder. China under Mao: A Revolution ... follow Edgar Snow’s Red Star over China (1937) in arguing how Mao ... before Mao came to rule China in 1949, he had adopted political ...
