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PRC State Council Information Office, “China's Population and Development in the 21st Century,” 2000

departments and mass organizations to implement the population and family ... departments for involvement in and support for cultural development ... and rationally allocate and use technical resources of relevant departments ...

Confucius, The Analects- 19

to the way of the superior man in teaching, what departments are there which he ...

Faxian (Fa-hsien) on Buddhist Kingdoms, ca. 400

a moment) on the top of their heads, and then depart, going out by the door ...

Wassertrom, Grandin, Hunt, and Young, eds., Human Rights and Revolutions, 2007

January 1, 2007 Jeffrey N. Wassertrom, Greg Grandin, Lynn Hunt, Marilyn B. Young, eds. Human Rights and Revolutions. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2007. Reviewed by: Christian W. Erickson (Department ...

Baas, Smile of the Buddha: Eastern Philosophy and Western Art from Monet to Today, 2005.

Reviewed by: Gail Chin, Department of Visual Arts, University of Regina. ...

Bray, Social Space and Governance in Urban China: The Danwei System From Origins to Urban Reform, 2005.

Hill, Department of Sociology, Michigan State University. Published by: ...

Dryburgh, North China and Japanese Expansion 1933-1937: Regional Power and the National Interest, 2000

January 1, 2000 Marjorie Dryburgh. North China and Japanese Expansion 1933-1937: Regional Power and the National Interest. Richmond and Surrey: Curzon Press, 2000. Reviewed by: Bill Sewell, Department of History, ...

Chandler, Establishing a Pure Land on Earth: The Foguang Buddhist Perspective on Modernization and Globalization, 2004.

by: Alexander Soucy, Department of Religious Studies, St. Mary's ...

Survey reports Chinese are positive about the present and optimistic about the future

they felt the U.S. was not headed in the right direction (77%) ... power. A significant majority (58%) expect China to replace the U.S ... they considered the U.S., Japan, and India as enemies of partners. More than a third ...

Shaolin Temple and the 21st Century

November 30, 2006 By Kami Holman  On November 20, 2006, the USC U.S. – China Institute, along with the USC East Asian Studies Center and the USC ... and U.S. liaison for the temple, spoke on behalf of Abbot Shi Yongxin who ...
