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Chinese Government White Paper on “China’s Policy on ‘Three Direct Link’ Across the Taiwan Straits,” 2003

The telecommunication departments of both sides have launched mutual telephone, data ... Area. The cross-Straits trade volume was a mere US $46 million-worth in 1978, but it shot up to US $44.66 billion-worth in 2002, approximately 971 ...

Viterbi School to Host Tsinghua University

by department co-chair Alexander Sawchuk of the Ming Hsieh Department ... department, offering overviews of research in their units. Section:  Faculty ...

TRISO-Model: A New Approach to Integrated Software Process Assessment and Improvement

received a PhD degree from the Department of Computer Science, Harbin ... in Economics from Department of Social Sciences at the same university in 1995. ... Academy of Sciences between 1993-1995 and Department of Artificial ...

PRC State Council, China's National Defense In 2004, December 27, 2004

to Taiwan, sending a wrong signal to the Taiwan authorities. The US action does ... into one. The Theater Joint Logistics Department or Joint Logistics Department of Military Area Command, originally called Logistics Department of Military ...

Bray, Technology and Gender: Fabrics of Power in Late Imperial China, 1997

of California Press, 1997. Reviewed by Ann Waltner (Department of History, ... could lock cabinets, if not doors (p.139). Bray also provides us with some ... of the book deals with women's work. Bray reminds us that while men's ...

Tsu, Failure, Nationalism, and Literature: The Making of Modern Chinese Identity, 1895-1937, 2005

of “why do you hate us so much,” which has widely circulated the Internet ... and Literature, opens up new critical spaces for us to explore the modalities ... in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at Yale University, proposes ...

Green and Gill, eds. Asia's New Multilateralism- Cooperation, Competition, and the Search for Community, 2009

(Department of East Asian Studies, Tel-Aviv University) A Broad and Complex ... community, and what are their assumptions toward the U.S. role in Asia? ... discusses U.S. attitudes and policies toward Asia. The United States, the most ...

Mapping the Future of Entertainment

centers and academic departments at institutions of higher education. His ... Boao Forum, and has testified on China-US relations before committees of the US Senate and China’s Peoples Political Consultative Conference, ...

Dai Bingguo, “Adhere to the Path of Peaceful Development,” Dec. 6, 2010

relations in an all-round way. All this calls on us to act in light ... people. China's per capita GDP is only US$3,800, ranking about 104th ... standard of one US dollar a day, 150 million Chinese are still living below ...
