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Kokas, Hollywood Made in China, 2017

research, and interviews done in China and the United States, Hollywood Made in China offers a close look at China's growing presence in global media ... January 31, 2017 Aynne Kokas.  Hollywood Made in China.  Berkeley  ...

USC And China In The News, November and December 2016

November 7, 2016 Click here for other "USC and China in the News" pages.  December 30, 2016: China Daily USC political scientist ... or not China is changing Hollywood, which highlighted that New York Senator Chuck ...

Mann, The China Fantasy: How Our Leaders Explain Away Chinese Repression, 2007

published by AsiaMedia on March 6, 2007. Republished by permission The China ... bureau chief James Mann's new book, The China Fantasy, is getting lots ... beyond the fantasy-skewed vision of the People's Republic of China ...

Video: The Future of Public Health and Global Collaboration

China Centers for Disease Control veterans, from a public health ... Wu Zunyou, Professor and Chief Epidemiologist China CDC Yang Gonghuan, Professor, Peking Union Medical College, former vice-director of China ...

Foreign Correspondents Club of China, “Detentions Of Foreign Journalists Widespread Before Olympics,” August 8, 2006

on August 8, 2008, a survey by the Foreign Correspondents Club of China shows ... destroyed.  “China’s controls on foreign media are not in keeping with Beijing’s ... China to quickly adopt the practices of press freedom expected of Olympic ...

USC And China In The News, September and October, 2019

faculty, staff and students and China. October 15, 2019: CBS USC Sports ... dilemma over China. He said, "If you're a player who doesn't ... into a political firestorm." October 15, 2019: CBS2 The USC U.S.-China ...

Wang Yi, The Right Direction in China-US Relations, July 9, 2020

the Right Direction For China-US Relations Remarks by State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi At the China-US Think Tanks Media Forum Beijing, ... to the people from all sectors who have long been committed to China-US relations. ...

The Art of China Watching

not answer any questions about what is going on inside China today. ... of self-deprecation-with the state of the art of the Sinologist or China-watcher. This article is for those who wonder what problems the China analyst has, what ...

Foreign Correspondents Club of China, Annual Working Conditions Survey, April 30, 2015

April 30, 2015 China’s importance in current affairs continues ... and changes have kept pace. Unfortunately, getting access to the news in China ... of Chinese state media journalists posted abroad. China’s Foreign Ministry has ...

Talent for tomorrow

Institute reports China produced 29% of the top AI researchers. More than a quarter of the AI researchers at top U.S. schools came from China. Nearly ... identified access to American universities as helping China advance. ...
