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Buried in plastic?

country—twice as much as #3 China. Campaigns encourage Americans to recycle ... to China was waste for recycling. As China's economy boomed in the late ... recently 70% of the recylced plastic in the U.S.  was sent to China ...

Running out of water

71% of people have access to safely managed drinking water. In China ... hygene, and cooking. 62% of China's water is used in argiculture and 22% in industry and power generation. China's population has more ...

Pangolins And A Pandemic: The Evolving Chinese Wildlife Trade

August 18, 2021 Originally published on US-China Today on August 18, ... That reality? China’s incredibly lucrative wildlife trafficking industry. What, ... exploitation of wildlife, the trade continues to flourish. According to China ...

Deputy Secretary Burns and State Councilor Yang Jiechi, EcoPartnership Signing Ceremony, July 11, 2013

July 11, 2013 Yang Jiechi pointed out in his remarks that China ... the ceremony on behalf of the US government. He said US-China EcoPartnership ... the Flash Player to see this player.   Section:  Documents Documents- US-China ...

Air Quality at the 2008 Beijing Olympics

August 21, 2008 Clayton Dube Much of the air in China is badly ... and elsewhere in China, poor air quality shortens lives. The World Bank  estimated ... specializing on China who swam for India. This first picture was taken outside ...

Carbon footprint labels inaccurate, USC study finds

products in China has exploded, but China has precious little domestic forest ...
