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2008-2009 USCI Faculty Research Grants

funding to be put forward to the LILP China Program, as well as a research ... "Creating Networks and Research Collaborations in China" 如何在中国创造人际网络与研究合作 ... research centers in China on partnering with the Center for Religion ...

China Honors Professor’s Elder Efforts

News Service on Oct. 12, 2004. USC researcher Iris Chi has been awarded the Bronze Bauhina Star by the People’s Republic of China for her meritorious public service with the elderly in Hong Kong. Chi holds ...

Delegates Discuss Aging in China

Qingchun Yan and Kaiti Zhang, director of the China Research Center on Aging ... of different economic developments in the country, social services geared toward ... in social services for the elderly in China, Zhang said. He encouraged ...

Henke studies global partnerships in China

collaborations.” After attending the first China International Senior Services Expo ... and its infamous “one child” policy, China is now in the unique position ... are thrilled about the opportunities our aging expertise could create in China ...

Aging in China Covered During USC Visit

of professor Merril Silverstein, who conducts research on aging in China. “We ... News Service on Sept. 27, 2006. Photo: Zhao Baohua, vice director of the China National Committee on Aging, shakes hands with Jon Pynoos, professor ...

Grant to Yield More Study on Elderly

for research on the aging population in China from the USC U.S.-China Institute. The grant will be used to expand existing research on the needs of the elderly ... question whether China can achieve its desired level of economic development ...

Health Issues in China

of the Center for the Study of the Economics of Aging and Health, California State University presented Health Issues in China in March 2006 at the USC School ... economic reform, and health insurance across the population.  Ling also looks ...

USC to Create New U.S.-China Institute

rigorous, policy-relevant research focused on the contemporary U.S.-China ... U.S./China Relations Research Institute is to become the place scholars, policy ... other research centers, the U.S./China Relations Research Institute ...

It’s a man’s world

of China, excluding Tibet — the researchers found that older women were much ... by Suzanne Wu. Researchers from USC, Peking University, the Hong Kong ... rapidly aging population in the world. From the baseline China Health ...

USC Partners With Peking University

of Peking University's Office of Scientific Research. Peking University ... of research and graduate professional education, making USC one of only a few research institutions in the nation to have this level of collaboration ...