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Erin Baggott Carter Speaks at the China Card Conference

in 2016. Erin’s research focuses on Chinese foreign policy and computational social science. She draws upon field research in China, documents about ... that the United States and China employ diplomacy to build trust and substantive ...

The Impact of the Olympics: Jeffrey Owens

March 27, 2009 Jeffrey Owens   Jeff Owens teaches economics and economic history at Gustavus Adolpus College. His research and publications ... of Economic Impact Studies.” in Enterprising Worlds: A Geographic Perspective ...

USC Gains a Treasured Chinese Collection

Lee, former ambassador and now director general of the Taipei Economic ... of her works were banned in mainland China, primarily because two of her ... researchers and the local community," Cheung said. Chang's papers were ...

报导中国(美国记者关于中国):一个时代的终结 (Assignment: China- End of an Era 中文字幕版)

Washington Star Tom Brokaw, NBC Raymond Burghardt, U.S. Foreign Service Fox ... House J. Stapleton Roy, U.S. Foreign Service Jerrold Schector, Time ...

Determinants of Healthy Aging for Older Adults in China

visited the China Research Center on Aging (CRCA) to collect policy relevant ... by the researchers from the U.S. and China. By several personal meetings and email ... forging closer ties with the research communities in China through contacts ...

A closer look at conflicting views on the Pacific Rim

and economic issues.” The Latin connection In his research, Kang has already made ... 2014. Written by Laura Paisley. With headlines screaming “China, U.S. Moving Closer to Viewing War as Inevitable,” and “China Thinks It Can ...

USC President Honors Trustee Ming Hsieh as Shanghai Conference Comes to a Close

initiatives. “From the participation of some of China’s most influential ... and influential business leaders to present and discuss the latest research results ... private equity firm in China. Additional presenting sponsors were Apple ...

Clayton Dube on the 2012 Taiwan Election: Process, Outcomes, and Implications

to influence the congressional election (see Talking Points, Nov. 4, 2011 ... different the Taiwan-China relationship is today from fifty years and American ... of some of the questions for Taiwan-China ties and U.S.-China relations ...

America’s Soft Power is Still Supreme in Asia

Economic Human Capital Cultural Diplomatic Political China ... Vietnam.   China’s economic rise is evident in the fact that, on average, Americans, Chinese, and Japanese felt that China had more economic influence ...

John Strauss, “As China Ages: Elderly Health Outcomes and Socioeconomic Status”

economics, the economics of the household, the economics of human resource ... of the scientific journal, Economic Development and Cultural Change.   This video ... articles and documents on aging: As China Ages: Elderly Health Outcomes ...
