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Video: Syaru Shirley Lin Examines Sino-Taiwan Relations

claimed to seek. In addition, Taiwan’s economic policy toward China has ... Sunflower Movement succeeded in obstructing deeper economic ties with China ... "Taiwan's China Dilemma" Section:  Multimedia News Topic:  Economics ...

Barbara Finamore on China's Environmental Challenges

to address climate change, will China take the lead in saving our planet from environmental catastrophe? Many signs point to yes. China, the world's ... of green finance. But as leading China environmental expert Barbara Finamore ...

Video: Barbara Finamore Examines China's role in the future of the global climate

to address climate change, will China take the lead in saving our planet from environmental catastrophe? Many signs point to yes. China, the world's ... of green finance.    But as leading China environmental expert Barbara ...

Nicholas Cull on the Range and Impact of Chinese Public Diplomacy Efforts

30, 2009 hearing of the US-China Economic and Security Review ... (Cambridge, 2008). China’s Propaganda and Influence Operations, its Intelligence ... Kurlantzick has dubbed China’s Charm Offensive. [2]     Chinese culture places ...

Erin Ennis- American Perceptions of the Business Climate in China

President of the US-China Business Council since 2005. She directs ... advisory services on behalf of its 215 member companies. Prior to this, she ... and others at a conference hosted by the USC U.S.-China Institute. Polls ...

Bruce Linghu discusses

though, also assemble U.S.-branded products such as the iPhone in China. The economic ties between the U.S. and Taiwan are well-established ... Studies. Christopher Johnson, CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies  moderated ...

China's Increasing Role in International Peacekeeping-- USC student co-authors think tank study

This role has expanded along with China’s economic expansion and its increasing involvement in international bodies. China now supplies more ... December 8, 2009   Chin-Hao Huang, USC, and Bates Gill, SIPRI China ...

Watch The Presentations From The Data, Environment, and Health Panel At The "China: Finding Solutions" Conference

provided expert testimony to the US-China Economic Security and Review ... an interdisciplinary research group that uses innovative data analytics to distill ... the Children's Health Study and is a key investigator in assorted current research ...

The Dragon’s Gift-- China in Africa

January 26, 2010 For other articles and documents on China ... Click here to see an interactive US-China Today map showing Chinese projects in Africa. By Vicki Yang “Is China a rogue donor, or is China ...

Can China make its exports safe?

for economic affairs has become involved, and China's senior leadership has ... in his name has been established. Former U.S. Ambassador to China J. ... between the United States and China, but the angry public reaction ...
