This video is also available on the USCI YouTube Channel.
XU Xin 徐昕 is green choice outreach officer at the Institute for Public and Environmental Affairs, a non-profit environmental organization established in Beijing in 2006. It promotes information disclosure and public participation as means of strengthening environmental governance mechanisms, reducing emissions, and improving environmental quality. Xu focuses on stakeholder engagement surrounding IPE’s green supply chain initiative to integrate transparency and stakeholder participation into existing supply chain management systems. Xu holds a master’s degree from the University of Edinburgh in International Development. She is fluent in English, Hindi and her native Mandarin.
This video is also available on the USCI YouTube Channel.
Ed Avol is Professor of Clinical Preventive Medicine, with expertise in exposure assessment and acute/chronic respiratory and cardiovascular effects of airborne pollutants. He helped design, organize, and perform the Children's Health Study and is a key investigator in assorted current research of environmental exposures on children’s health. He directs the Spatial Exposure and Analytics Core (SEAC) in the Southern California Environmental Health Sciences Center and leads the undergraduate Environmental Health teaching program in Health Promotion at USC. Avol is also active in community outreach, particularly with regard to issues associated with seaport operations.
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