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China’s Role in the Negotiations Surrounding the Global Financial Architecture in the Wake of the 2008/09 Financial Crisis

research this summer, generously supported by a grant from USC US-China ... research trip to the People’s Republic of China has been successful both ... years after the outbreak of the last Global Financial Crisis (GFC), China ...

Getting to Know You-- The US and China Shake the World, 1971-1972

China's leaders who wanted economic reform and greater engagement ... Richard M. Nixon announced that he was going to China (text, video). Few ... to forge ties with China. Even before he became president he had written ...

Americans Nervous, but Overwhelmingly Favor Engagement with China

August 4, 2008 Though many are nervous about China’s economic rise, ... economic relations. Nonetheless, only 40% of those surveyed knew that China ... China’s economic rise. Some 42% of those surveyed saw China's eventual ...

Aging in China Covered During USC Visit

of professor Merril Silverstein, who conducts research on aging in China. “We ... News Service on Sept. 27, 2006. Photo: Zhao Baohua, vice director of the China National Committee on Aging, shakes hands with Jon Pynoos, professor ...

Qiaobing Wu earns National Science Foundation grant

for Wu, who plans to carry out her research in China. Wu’s dissertation ... of Social and Economic Sciences has awarded Qiaobing Wu, a Ph.D. candidate at the USC School of Social Work, a $7,500 doctoral dissertation research ...

Daniel Lynch discusses his book "China's Futures"

at least strongly likely, given China’s transformative economic changes ... professionals, and everyday concerned citizens. China’s stunning economic successes ... million Internet pages addressing some aspect of “the rise of China ...

USC and China in the News, September and October 2009

Official Chinese statistics suggest that China's economic downturn ... economic reports. He argues that with continued weakness in China ... October 30, 2009  Click here for other "USC and China ...

Wong Spearheads Psychological First Aid to Earthquake Victims in China

professorship and directs the school's China Program, served as a research ... 2008 By Cadonna Dory A month after the devastating earthquake in China ... for building a children's mental health service, which is in progress. ...

USCI Board Member Justin Yifu Lin named World Bank Chief Economist

an influential economist in China. He is professor of economics at Beijing University and created the university’s China Center for Economic Research ... and in fiscal management. He has twice won China ’s top economics honor, the Sun ...

Support The USC U.S.-China Institute

innovative research and instructional partnerships in China, or many other ... December 20, 2016 For 10 years now, the USC U.S.-China Institute has helped inform public discussion of what’s important in the U.S.-China ...
