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Chen, Chop Suey, USA- The Story of Chinese Food in America (November 25th 2014)

and everywhere judged superior, why is American fast food so popular in China? He ... of travel to China, but if they viewed China as a filthy, impoverished, ... service workers to supply a cornucopia of consumption delights that seduced ...

Lee, The Bible and the Gun: Christianity in South China, 1860-1900, 2003

rarely touched the political and economic issues involved in China ... Christianity in South China, 1860-1900, New York, Routledge. Reviewed by Ian ... District, Guangdong Province, China. It relates closely to works ...

Brooks, Between Mao and McCarthy: Chinese American Politics in the Cold War Years (January 1, 2015)

scholarship of Asian American political history. In her meticulously researched ... Moreover, China and "China politics" were not at the forefront ... universally in favor of KMT rule in China. Indeed the Nationalist government ...

Liu-Farrer, Labour Migration from China to Japan: International Studies, Transnational Migrants, 2011

January 1, 2013 Gracia Liu-Farrer. Labour Migration from China ... by Claudia Baumann G. Liu-Farrer: Labour Migration from China to Japan Gracia ... and economic developments to the establishment of the constitutional system ...

Young, Alien Nation- Chinese Migration in the Americas from the Coolie Era through World War II (November 3, 2014)

War II, Elliott Young’s research not only bridges the gap between ... the Pearl River Delta in China, across the transnational spaces of oceans, ... back across the waters to China once again. Young also provides ...

A review of three books covering Chinese in Latin America

coastal areas of South China. Their cultural, linguistic and racial ... especially in difficult economic and political times. Schiavone Camacho has ... from China helped them win local customers and soon they competed ...

Auerbach, Race, Law, and "The Chinese Puzzle" in Imperial Britain, 2009

to the scholarly literature on Anglo-American representations of China ... in Nineteenth-century China [2003] and Robert Bickers's  Britain in China: Community ... unexplored, avenue to explore British representations of China and the Chinese ...