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Ely Ratner, Nominee for Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Affairs, June 15, 2021

the Department to compete more effectively with China. I have spent the better part ... on June 9 that initiated a series of efforts to better align the Department ...

Building a China Shop

“vacuum” is a better word. It will be, she says, “a one-of-a-kind ...

Freeman Foundation Funds New USC Internships in Asia

and financial conglomerate American International Group, Inc., better known ...

GEMBA Represents a Model in Chinese-American Collaboration

hasn't just resulted in an MBA, it has made him “a better person.” GEMBA ...

What China Can Learn from Thailand

are richer than ever before, but also better educated and more aware of social ...

2010-2011 USCI Faculty Research Grants

policy advocacy, and eNGOs with better financial resources and connections ...

Ezra Vogel on Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China

of the desperate need China had for better trained personnel, foreign capital, ...

Video: Greg Anderson on State Capitalism in China’s Auto Industry

March 6, 2012 China's unprecedented level of growth over the past three decades, combined with a financial crisis in the West, have led many to question whether free-market capitalism is the better system ...

Integrating Human Rights into Your Curriculum: Case Studies from Asia

Participants will become better equipped to encourage tolerance among ...

U.S. Treasury Sec. Henry Paulson closing statements for Strategic Economic Dialogue, Dec. 2007

the last year, as we have all come to know one another better. By building ...
