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Lee, "Reliability and validity of problem-solving assessments for Taiwanese high school students," 1999

in this study with boys performed better than girls. The format of the map had ...

Li, "The effects of effort and worry on distance learning in the National Open University of Taiwan," 1994

it provides a better understanding of the impact of distance learning ...

Huang, "Women's career status in nontraditional occupations: A study of Taiwanese women in engineering," 1994

still held different job positions. Advanced degrees contributed to better ...

Li, "Government and technology development experience of Japan and China in the electronics sector," 1992

institutions could pave the way for the better performance of industrial ...

Video: Matthew Kahn on Economic Growth And The Environment In China

environmental risk, and calls for a better quality of life from the rising middle ...

Matthew Kahn Discusses His Book "Blue Skies over Beijing"

environmental risk, and calls for a better quality of life from the rising middle ...

US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, China’s Overseas United Front Work, August 24, 2018

of this issue, it is crucial for the U.S. government to better understand Beijing’s ...

Congressional Research Service, Taiwan: The 'Three No's'- Congressional-Administration Differences and U.S. Policy Issues, Oct. 1, 1998

to ease tensions and promote better relations; and the U.S. policy approach ...

U.S. & China Trade with G7 Members

influence on these plans is evident in the "Build Back Better World" ...

China's Foreign Box Office

are doing better in China after being excluded in 2013 and 2014. Stand by Me ...
