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Shanghai Museum Salutes Qingyun Ma

They repeatedly said that USC made an inspired choice which will lead to better ...

USC to Create New U.S.-China Institute

China, USC will better prepare our students – both domestic ...

Celebrating art and upholding the value of the individual

November 15, 2007 By Catherine Gao “Tonight we celebrate beauty; the beauty that resides in all of us. We are especially privileged tonight to have a group of people who are better able than most at expressing ...

Chinese Communist Party and State Council Delegation visits USC

to better protect the environment. 3) Such sustainable development ...

Taiwan and China’s Military Buildup: Part 4 of Election ’08 and the Challenge of China

better ties with the mainland.   This video is also available on the USCI ...

China's Growing International Clout: Part 5 of the Election ’08 and the Challenge of China

efforts to better protect the environment and to restrict the proliferation ...

The Bond Between Sisters and History

with a toothbrush is better than writing a lot of the time.” Thumbnail:  Featured ...

China Trip Offers Wisdom on Aging

excuses, take better care of myself and make quality time for family.”   More ...

Economic Growth in China Has Not Meant Greater Life Satisfaction For Chinese People

and that the faster the growth, the happier people are. There could hardly be a better ...

Los Angeles Real Estate Scion Savors Experience in China

Roski said Reon will "do a much better job" than he does. He ...
