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U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing on China's Offensive Missile Forces (Webcast)," April 1, 2015

in the Asia-Pacific, the Commission seeks to better understand the implications ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: The Library of Congress Chinese Language Collection," September 16, 2005

Chinese collections to reflect governmental needs for a better understanding ...

Mertha, China's Water Warriors, Citizen Action and Policy Change, 2008

in his analysis of differences among the examples of protest to better ...

Rob Schmitz Discusses His Book "Street of Eternal Happiness"

desperate measures to ensure a better future for her sons. Down the street ...

USC Dornsife’s Schwarzman Scholars to take master’s program at Beijing university

and developing a better understanding of China. Admissions opened in the fall ...

Congressional Research Service, “China-U.S. Trade Issues,” December 29, 2016

the United States could better address commercial disputes with China. Some ...

Randall Schriver, Confirmation Hearing Testimony and Submissions, November 16, 2017

for contingencies – our Department can make lives better when assistance is needed ...

Video: William Overholt Looks at China's Path Forward

people much better than most Western theories acknowledge. For instance, ...

William Overholt Discusses His Book "China's Crisis of Success"

people much better than most Western theories acknowledge. For instance, ...

A Roundtable Discussion Of The U.S.-China Trade War

economic relations, and how they could do better--and climate change. Former: ...
